Chapter 2: Kaleigh's POV

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So my brother wasn't allowed to see the girls before the dinner tonight. He asked me to do the dirty work for him of spying on the girls while they got makeovers. Sometimes he could be a genius. Nobody tell him I said that.
I sneak around the cubicle style rooms surrounded with mirrors. I past about twenty rooms before something interesting actually happened.
"You except me to use this cheap crap? What the eff!" I hear, I do not turn the corner.
"What the eff?" I mouth to myself a little confused.
"Miss, we can get you a new product-"
"YOU BETTER!" She roared as all her make-up people began dashing around for whatever they were looking for.
"Hello." I slide around the corner with a devilish grin on my face and a sly walk going.
"Who are you and what do you want?" She said not even looking away from her reflection in the mirror.
"Princess Kaleigh." I said firmly. I seriously did not want to deal with this bull. She didn't sit up straight and get her act together like I thought she would. She glanced my way for about ten seconds, then went back to reapplying her blush.
"Why are you still here?" She said transitioning from blush to lipgloss. I honestly didn't know myself.
"What's your name?" I ask taking out a pen ready to write on my hand.
"I'm surprised you don't know my name," she said actually making eye contact by turning her chair.
"I'm surprised the struck of fear didn't go into your heart when I said my name," I began, "And tell me why I should know yours?" I raised one eyebrow at her.
"Well, judging by all the magazines you read." She said pointing to the pocket of my spy coat. What? A girl has to do something, spying is not exactly an extremely exciting job, despite the irony.
"Never seen you before in my life... Pity." I say with a fake pout and walk away. I still never got her name, so I could tell my brother to eliminate her immediately. I would find some way to do it though.
Once I am done sneaking around down here, I get greeted by my mother.
"Kaleigh... What are you doing?" I guess the spy coat and black pumps did not explain much, did it?
"Just looking at who will be out new housemates for a while, pretty girls." I comment as my mother looks suspicious.
"Not buying it. You aren't down here to gather information for Caleb are you?" She crossed her arms, and attempted to look down on me, but frankly, that was hard considering I have an inch or two on her.
"It is not against the rules," I say trying to defend my brother and myself.
"And if we are being fair, Marcus asked me to do the same thing during his selection." I complain as my mother cocks an eyebrow.
"You should probably be getting ready for dinner." She said before walking towards whatever her original goal was before bumping into me.
"Greetings Queen America." Some people bowed or curtsied just as her presence was there. I was in disguise, so of course I did not get royal treatment, it is not like I crave it...
Okay. Maybe a little.

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