Chapter 1

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I hopped on my bed and winced as I landed on my arm. Oh yeah, Bill slammed it into a drawer. My body was aching everywhere and I needed to go to a hospital, but Mabel insisted on getting sleep. I yawned and and looked over. Mabel was just coming in our room.

"How ya feeling, bro bro?" She asked me. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Not too well, I take it huh?" She said softly.

"I'm just a little worried."

"About what?" Mabel said, tilting her head sideways.

"What Bill said. He said big things are coming. What does that mean?" I turned towards her. She shrugged.

"Let's not worry about it too much. You've already been through a lot in just one day, maybe we should take a break for a bit." She looked down at my arm. "How's your arm?"

"Hurts," I replied. I looked down at it and saw the dried blood around the indents of where the forks were. I shuddered. "I'm gonna go wash up," I said. I got up and headed to the bathroom.

"Hey Dipper?" I heard Mabel call from our room.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I'm putting your journal on your bed, okay?" A few seconds later I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

"Come in!" I shouted over the running faucet. Mabel cracked open the door and stuck her mouth in as much as she could.

"I'll take that reverend costume when you're done changing!" She smiled. I smiled back even though she couldn't see me. I put some water in my hands and splashed it in her face. "Hey!" She laughed. "Thanks Mabel," I replied back to her.

I turned back to the mirror and noticed something, odd. My eye was yellow with a black slit down the middle where my pupil should be. "What the heck?" I said, examining it. I took a closer look in the mirror and when I blinked, it was gone. "Weird." I shrugged it off and changed into my pajamas. I opened the door and handed Mabel the suit.

"Thanks!" Mabel said taking it from my hand. She skipped away downstairs and I heard the sound of the washer turn on.

"Phew! It got really hot in here all the sudden," I said to myself. I started sweating more than I normally do, and that's a lot. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Grunkle Stan was sitting at the kitchen table, creating some creepy, disturbing, new attraction out of taxidermy parts.

I walked passed him and went to the freezer. I stuck my head in and I heard a, "Huh?" from Grunkle Stan.

"Just a little hot," I said from inside the freezer. He shrugged and kept gluing. I heard something fall to the floor and a curse word slip out. I laughed a bit and took my head out. I still felt really hot.

"What're you doing?" Mabel questioned me.

"Just gotta heat wave or something. I'm fine." She looked at me curiously then left the room. Then my head started to pound. I walked out of the kitchen and upstairs. Every step made my head hurt more. I reached the bedroom and flung the door open.

"I-I don't feel too good," I said to Mabel. She looked at me worried. She put her hand on my forehead, then took it away quickly. "W-what's wrong?" I asked weakly.

"Your forehead is burning!" She touched it again then yelped. "I mean it's really hot! You should lie down, I'll go get a cold rag." She left me alone. Then I heard the strangest thing... Whispering.

"Who-who's there?" I said cautiously. All I could hear was strange whispering, words I couldn't understand. My vision began to get dark. I felt the darkness around me swarm and get bigger. I felt like I was falling, yet still in the same place. It made me sick. I shut my eyes, hoping it would help. It did. I was awoken by Mabel grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"Oh Dipper you scared me! Don't ever do that again!" She said. Then she pulled me into a hug.

"What did I do?" I asked questioningly.

"You rolled over and began muttering strange things. I didn't know if you were asleep or not because your eyes were still open! They were like, Bill's!" I gasped.
Author's note: -_-... I'm not gonna do the stupid indent thing on my paragraphs anymore! It takes. So. Long! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked da first chapter! XD

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