Chapter 17

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I waved to Wendy as she hopped on her bike and rode off, phone in her pocket this time. I'm so glad I have her as a friend.

I yawned and got down from the roof into the gift shop, then made my way to the attic. Mabel was there, sleeping with her unicorn stuffed animal, in my bed.

"Mabel?" I said quietly but enough to wake her.

"Nnn, Dipper?" She said rubbing her eyes. She quickly sat up and looked at me. "Where were you?!"

"On the roof," I said slowly.

"I didn't know where you were! I got scared."

I sighed and look down. "Sorry. Can, can you get out of my bed now?" I smiled.

She nodded and got off. Mabel made her way across the room but gave me a hug first.

"Goodnight," I finally said.

"Goodnight, stupid," she said back.

I rolled over on my side and drifted off. The room got a lot cooler since I first entered. I curled up in my covers but it didn't help. I started to shiver.

"Hey Mabel?" I whispered.

"Nng, yeah?" She yawned back.

"Is there a window open?" I asked through chattering teeth.

"No, why?"

"I don't know. I'm just really cold."

"Yeah, you're right. It is colder in here. Hey Pinetree, you mind turning up the heat?"

"Wha-" my eyes opened and I jolted awake once more. It was morning now.

Mabel wasn't in her bed. I got up and slowly walked out of the room. It was warm outside, and foggy.

"Hey kiddo, your sister started making breakfast for us, but I wouldn't trust those pancakes. Check them for glitter before you eat them." Stan was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled and started down.

"Hey Dipper," Ford called from the kitchen.

Everything's seemed too normal right now. Am I dreaming? I feel a lot smaller in this room. Did Mabel use the magic flashlight to make me shorter than her?

"Mabel, can I uh, speak to you?" I whispered to her.

She nodded and followed me into the living room.

"What's up, brosiff?"

I shook my head and smiled. "Never mind."

She shrugged and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a few pieces of burnt toast.

"Want anything?" Ford asked. I looked at the food and grimaced.

"Ehhhh I'll pass."

The room got very quiet. You could hear birds chirping outside and a cricket, sounding a bit like it was inside the house. Wait, there it is.

"Hey Grunkle Stan?" He looked up, food stuffed in his mouth. "There's a cricket in here."

He gave a groan and sat up, grabbing a bug zapper. Mabel jumped out of her seat in protest.

"STOP!" Stan jumped out of fright.

"What?! What is it?!" he shouted back, placing a hand over his heart as if he were having a heart-attack.

"Don't kill it! What did it ever do to you? Is it hurting anyone?" she retorted, pounding her fist on the table.

"Besides ruining my appetite?" I muttered. She glared at me and picked up the insect.

"Mabel it's just a bug." she stuck her tongue out and opened the window, throwing the insect outside. It's probably dead now from that fall but I shrugged and finally grabbed a piece toast.

"Should've killed it." I said through gritted teeth. I could hear the room grow silent and heads turning towards me. I looked up at them. "What?"

short. sweet. done. bye.

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