Chapter 15

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Bill appeared before me. I glared daggers at him.


"But Pine Tree-"

"I said LEAVE!" I screamed at him. He didn't flinch. In fact, he only moved closer.

"Listen to me, kid. You've got the makings of a true demon in you. I believe it!" He told me.

"D-demon? What the heck are you talking about?" I gave a confused, yet still trying to be angry, stare.

"I don't expect you to understand this, I mean, I barely understand myself, but when we made our first deal, something happened with your soul and entity. They must've fused or something." I looked at him.

"What do you mean 'fused'?" I questioned.

"My entity is trapped in your mind and I'm not sure why. I am trapped in your mind without any control. I'm not sure why that didn't happen with ol' Sixer but-"

"Ford?" I cut him off. "Have you ever made a deal with him? Tell me now!"

"Geez, kid. Didn't know you were such an eager beaver!" He chuckled. "We made a deal that I could live in his mind if I helped him build the portal yadayadayada," he made a hand motion, "but I'm not sure why I was only stuck in your mind, yet still no control. So I carved that image into your back in order to control your body when I get enough energy. The only way I can fully control you is if you allow me to. That's why I need your help!" He cheered.

"Ha! You really think I'd agree to that? I'd never help you take over Gravity Falls!" I protested.

"You want pain and suffering?" His eye widened. I flinched.

"For it means keeping my family safe," I sighed.

Bill clenched his hand into a fist and a wave of pain and nausea erupted in my stomach. I doubled over and threw up on the floor.

"Ready to give in?" He paused and let me breathe.

I gasped for air and wiped my face. "You wish." I knew I said the wrong thing because another pain came across but I didn't throw up.

"You'll join me sooner or later..." With that, Bill vanished into the dusty air of the room and I could feel a weight fall upon my head. "Just remember, I can visit you in your sleep," his voice echoed through my head. I shivered and looked around. No one was with me and no throw up was on the floor.

All the pain I had just gone through, was only a dream, and more was sure to come as I slept. If it meant protecting my family, protecting Mabel, I'll do whatever it takes.

I sighed and stood up. The stairs were so close yet so far away. I grunted and slowly walked to them as if it were a Monday morning. Mabel, Stan and Ford were at the counter talking, most likely about me. I wasn't offended by it at all.

"Hey Dips, how are you feeling?" Mabel came up to me.

I shrugged and looked down. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be. Ford said he saw something in the machine. Dipper, you have to tell us the truth. Is Bill still here?"

After a pause, I shook my head 'no'. Everyone was shocked. Even I was, but I remembered what Bill had said to me when I was in the hospital. That scared me.

"Well, just go upstairs and get some rest, okay kiddo?" Stan said in a calm voice. I nodded before he pulled me to the side. "Kid, if there's anything, anything at all happening, you can let me know. I promise." He gave me a hug and backed away. Mabel followed me upstairs and held my hand the whole way.

"I'm scared, Mabel. I'm scared about the future."

"What do you mean?" She said quietly.

"What if," I paused, "what if Bill does come back?"

"Dipper, if he does, I'll be there to whoop his butt for you!" She smiled. She sat down next to me on my bed and hugged me. "I promise."

"Thanks," I hugged her back.

Mabel yawned and arose off my bed and I laid down. I didn't even bother changing that night.

"Good night, bro. Don't get stupid on me!" She giggled.

"Same with you!" I smiled. 

When I could hear the faint sounds of her breath and assumed she was asleep, I turned over so my back was facing her. I put my hand on the scar, feeling the shapes. In the middle was a triangle. Definitely Bill.

The night was cool and all was quiet except the faint sounds of crickets in the distance. I couldn't sleep for I feared I would have a dream with Bill in it.

I stood up and walked out of our room and downstairs to the gift shop. There, was the curtain that led to the roof.  I climbed it and gazed up at the stars before me. Millions of the them, each on a different size, a different color, a different name. I looked up at the constellation named 'The Big Dipper'. I smiled and looked down. Funny I was named after a big ladle.

A/N: profanity warning: yeah yeah imma dick for not updating. Literally all I have to say here. Sorry for being lazy with a writer's block. ~Rachel

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