Chapter 18

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One week later... no mentions of Bill. Miracle? Luck? Or just threatening?

Mabel has been getting into this weird habit of saying ridiculous words or phrases to sound 'hip' or cool. To be honest, I'm about to punch her braces out. Sounds harsh but it's so true.

"Hey brohamski, what's up?" Okay, not too bad so far...

"Just reading this newspaper article on-"

"That sounds totally schwifty, man." I sighed. There it is.

"Anyway, this newspaper article about mysterious triangles that appear everywhere across the town." She leaned in closer to the page. "People have been seeing them everywhere and I've noticed a pattern on their locations."

She turned her head sideways in confusion. "What pattern?"

"Well they're all in places we've fought monsters or solved mysteries." I looked up at her with a slightly worried face. "Do you think it's Bill?"

She gave a 'pft' and said it was just a coincidence and maybe some graffiti artists messing with conspiracies.

"But look! You're telling me this isn't a little weird?" On the front page was the water tower but instead of a muffin, a giant triangle with an eye was directly on top. In the background, Robbie could be seen throwing his arms up. We both snickered but returned to the main topic.

"Yeah that is a little restupidulous," Mabel said putting a finger to her chin.

"Speak english, please."


Ford walked in the room and noticed us staring at the page. He decided not approach us. He's been very distant for a while. I actually kind of like it.

"So what're you kids gonna do today?"

"Swim!" "Ski!" We shouted at the same time.

He shrugged and ripped the paper out of my hands. "Hey!"

"Hmmmm..." A minute of silence. "Yup, I'll be back." At that, he left the room in his slippers and headed out the door.

"What was that about?" She asked.

I was just as confused as her. "Should we go investigate?" She nodded happily and we ran out the door.

The sun was shining brightly and a woodpecker could be heard from a distant tree, but there were no other birds around that we could hear. It was spooky.

An odd ringing could be heard in the distance. Then the woodpecker had gone silent. "Do you hear that ringing?"

"What ringing? Did your ears pop?" I yawned and shook my head no.

"No it's not that, here, this way." I walked towards the direction of the strange sound until a natural, stone wall was visible. "Woah."

"Shmowzow..." Mabel responded. I gave her a look and she smirked back.

The wall almost looked like it was gleaming or wet. It was so shiny and smooth except for one small crack in the middle. It was only a line but clearly visible compared to the still, water-like glimmer.

"This is beautiful!" Mabel was clearly in awe and fascination, but I was getting fed up with the ringing.

"This is getting annoying." I waltzed up to the wall and put my finger on the crack.

Almost immediately, the wall shook and the crack began to grow. It twisted and turned into a three-sided shape. A triangle.

Mabel and I gave each other a wide-eyed look. "What the junk was that?" I said.

She didn't even smile at my dumb word. We were both lost in the strange occurrence.

"Do it again," she bumped my shoulder so I would move forward but instead I stepped back and clenched my teeth.

"N-no, you do it." She slowly touched it with her finger and quickly jumped back as if it were a bomb about to explode.

"Nothing happened." I stated, pressing my lips together.

"Maybe it only works if you do it?"

I tried it and sure enough, her theory was correct. It shift again and the wall groaned and cracked, creating another shape. An eye.

"Wow okay, shoulda seen that coming, ammiright?" She laughed. I smiled.

"Okay but who was doing the graffiti?"

"Maybe you!" She joked.

I shifted. There's no way I could've done the graffiti. I don't even know how to use spray paint. Even if I did, I don't want to get in trouble.

"There's no way I could've done it! You're almost always by my side!"

"What about when you're asleep? I can't hear you if I'm sleeping, you know I'm a heavy sleeper."

"True, but where would I get the spray-Stan. Okay. It's just a theory, but we have to test it. Cameras at night?"

She nodded and gave me a nudge. "Let's go back. It's starting to get freezeburnie-burn out here."

"Stop." But she was right. It was getting colder out. Maybe a storm is coming.

lmao guess who's back! yup okay cool another chapter cool cool I hate high school cool bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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