Chapter 6

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The doctor walked in with Mabel, followed by a few other people that didn't look familiar. I was still drowsy from whatever drug they injected me with.

"W-what's going on?" I asked slowly. Mabel ran up and hugged me. Grunkle Stan came in after the rest of the unfamiliar faces.

"Hey kiddo, we're gonna take you home now," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You mean, home, home?" I asked him, a bit upset. I didn't want to ruin this for myself, or Mabel most importantly.

"No no, back to the shack." I sighed with relief. I was going back.

"They just have to ask a few questions before you go," the doctor said. The other, well I assumed, doctors came closer. I nodded. The loving, familiar faces left first, the doctor. I tried to keep my eyes hidden so nobody could see the cat-like pupils that gave everyone chills when they saw them. Even me.

"What have you been experiencing exactly?" Said one who was wearing a trench coat. "My name's Michael. I'm a paranormal investigator from Hell Michigan. Haha, I know, funny place to come from. Ohhh I've been to Hell and back!" He said in a mocking tone. I didn't find it all that funny but the other doctors laughed. He cleared his throat. "So uh, you said you were with a demon? Did I get that right?"
I slightly nodded, but said nothing else. An eerie silence fell over the room. They all took notes on their clipboards and looked back up at me. "Would you mind explaining?" He asked after a few minutes. I shrugged, but began.

"I made a mistake. I thought I could trust him..." I paused. Anger rushed through my veins, but I held it back. "He said he wanted a puppet and I trusted him. That's when he-" but I stopped, knowing what to say next but still horrified by it.

"What did he do?" A woman finally spoke up. I hesitated.

"This." I pulled off my shirt to reveal the cuts on my back. I heard a few gasps and pens clicking but nobody said anything. "I never wanted this!" I cried out. Nobody was there to comfort me. I wanted Mabel.

I'm here for you, Pine Tree. Bill's voice sang in my head, followed by hysterical laughter. "SHUT UP!" I screamed but covered my mouth. I looked up at the doctors who were all shocked at my completely random outburst. Then they noticed my eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Michael asked coming closer. I quickly covered them. "N-nothing!" I stuttered.

"Ok, this is definitely real!" He said with excitement. "He's not insane, I told you!" He jumped up and down with glee, pointing fingers at his colleagues. "We can help you," he said trying to sound convincing.

"How could you possibly stop Bill?" I said. He stopped jumping.

"Who's Bill?" I blew a fuse.

"THE DEMON! UGH! JUST LeAvE mE aLoNe!" I shouted in a strange echoey voice. I covered my mouth. My head sank with defeat. "I just wanna go home," I whispered. I heard the doctors whispering. They sounded sympathetic. Maybe they could help. Maybe an exorcism might help. I shuddered at the last thought.

"Alright, we'll let you go now," Michael said softly. I smiled. They left.

"Th-thank you."

The door swung open again and I knew exactly who it was. Mabel came in the room with some, candy? Chocolate! I've missed this stuff. Grunkle Stan came in followed by Wendy and Soos. I smiled.

"You okay dude?" Wendy asked me. I shrugged.

"Scared," I finally answered. Soos came up to me and put a big, comforting arm around my shoulders.

"Aw don't be scared, Dipper! I'm sure that triangle dude will be gonna before you know it!" He laughed. I gave a slight fake laugh and just kept a closed smile, but on the inside, I was terrified. Bill hasn't done anything in a while? What is he planning?

Phew! Sorry I haven't been updating recently, I got really sick and we thought I had the flu... NOPE! Went to the doctor's and it was Walking Pneumonia. How?! I really don't know! Anyway, the reason I made a chapter today was because I had some inspiration! Please look up the song: Sort Of // Silversun Pickups. Great song and great band. Different but good. Thank you for being you! ~Rachel~ <---What is up wit dat squiggly line? I love it! I think imma start usin' it now!

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