Chapter 2

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"Woah! Woah! Woah! What did you say?" I asked, hoping I heard something incorrectly.

"I said your eyes were like Bill's," Mabel replied. She looked a little shaken by it too. I looked into her eyes.

"Are they still like that?" She shook her head. I sighed with relief.  "What was that all about?" I asked to myself. I put my hand on my chin and began pacing around the room. Bill left, didn't he? I asked myself. I should be free. Am I still his, puppet? I shuddered at that last thought.

"Dipper, you need to calm down. You might overheat again!" She said, grabbing my shoulder. "Here, just lay down okay?" She walked me to my bed and I sat down. She kneeled beside me. "We'll get through this. I promise," she smiled.

Her warm, comforting smile made me smile back. "Ok." And with that, she hugged me, said goodnight and turned off the lights. Before she left the room, she said something that made me think.

"I don't want to lose you, Dipper." Mabel closed the door and left me alone in the illuminated room, with nothing but my confused, scrambled thoughts. 

What does that mean? I asked myself. I rolled over and stared at the wall. What does that mean?

Suddenly, I heard a laugh. Quickly, I sat up. I knew right away who that cackle belonged to. "Show yourself!" I shouted to no one. I sounded tense, but not as threatening as I wanted. The laugh grew and there was a flash of blinding light. I shielded my eyes and saw the figure growing. A silhouette of a triangle appeared in front of the light and I squinted to gain focus on the.... Demon.

Author's note: Quick chapter but I wanted to get the Dorito cheesy, if ya know what I mean... By the way, I stopped the indent thing because it took so long to type that way! Hope this way is fine, it looks fine to me but hey, what do I know? XD THANK YOUZZZ!!!

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