Chapter 12

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A/N: Also my art^ this chapter is based off of what I thought the helmet was for in The Last Mabelcorn! Enjoy.....

Ford carefully placed the helmet on my head and I sat down in the chair in front of the large screen.

"What is this machine?"  The helmet was quite heavy.  I felt like I was going to fall over with it on my head. 

"This is what I call, 'Project Momentum.'" He said, flipping switches next to the screen.

"What does it do exactly?"  I was a bit afraid.

"Oh, it only checks to see if there's another conscience inside your head.  The helmet will detect it and try to remove it."

"Uh huh." 

The machine flickered to life and beeped.  All I could see on the screen were words of, yes, exactly what I was thinking.

What is going on?! Does Ford like me? I could probably rob a bank. Disco girl! Coming through! Is my fly down?

I watched intensely as the words flashed before my eyes.

"Who's Tyrone?" Ford broke my train of thought.

"Oh, he was just a um," I paused as a wave of sadness broke over me, "a friend."

"Ah. I see." He turned his attention back to the screen and was carefully looking for any signs of Bill.

"Anything?" I asked. An odd paused was made.

"Huh? Oh, no no." He seemed to be half listening.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just, the things going on inside your head. I never knew you were bullied as a kid too. Why was that?" He looked back to me.

"Heh, well, I'm a nerd for one thing," I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, but that can't be it, right?"

"Um," I hesitated, "I have this, birthmark that everyone used to make fun of. It's kinda how I got my nickname."

"May I see it?" He said softly.

I nodded and pulled back my bangs. He had this warm look on his face as he placed his six-fingered hand across my forehead.

"Dipper," he began, "don't let anyone hold you back. You're an intelligent young man. We're all different, and you are just even luckier than most with that difference."

Words began appearing on the screen next to us.

Wow. No one has ever said anything so nice to me. I can be whoever I want! No one can hold me back! I smiled.

"Thank you." A tear trickled down my face. "Thank you so much."

He smiled and stood back up. "Isn't that what uncles are for?" We shared a small laugh, then stayed silent for a while.

Suddenly, the machine began to beep and glow red.

"Uh, Grunkle Ford? Is something wrong?"

"Bill has been spotted in your mind!" He quickly answered.

"What do we d-" but I stopped as a throbbing pain came across my head.

"Hang on," Ford began turning knobs on the machine. Whatever he was doing, I didn't trust it.

"Agh! What's going on to my head?!" The pain was getting stronger and stronger.

"Dipper? Are you okay?"  Ford put his hands on my shoulders.

"It's getting so hot!"  My forehead began to drip with sweat as I put my right hand there.  My left hand was too busy pulling out my hair and pounding on the helmet resting on my head. "Get it off!" I shouted to him.

"Dipper, I have to keep it on! It's the only way!"

"Only way," I paused, "for what?!"

"To get Bill out of your head!"  He answered in a shout.

I began to curl up in a ball, arms around my knees.  My face was buried inside as I was panting.

"Bill is still in my head?"  I looked up.

"Yes." Nothing else came out of his mouth while he stared at the screen in front of us. It started to flicker.

The machine was beeping and buzzing in crazy patterns. I couldn't concentrate at all.  The pain was unbearable.

I didn't think I would last any longer until it just, stopped.  As it died down, so did my mind. All I could understand was the words coming out of my mouth uncontrollably.

Bill's demonic voice echoed across the room. My mouth was speaking in a terrifying voice that wasn't my own.

"You old fool!  You thought I had escaped? This is just the beginging! Pine Tree and I are only just starting! My puppet and I will rule the world! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" 

All I could do was listen and watch as my uncle tackled me to the floor and knocked me unconscious. I was unconscious, but my other half... Wasn't quite finished with his work yet.

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