chapter one

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Chapter one

Stephanie’s POV

I woke up to my dad yelling at my mother as he ran for his life. I looked out the bed room door to see my brothers laughing at the scene in front of them. “WAIT!” I screamed making my family freeze I took in the scene. My dad was on one side of the coffee table my mother on the other a baseball bat in her hand. I plopped down on the couch next to my brothers and smirked at my frightened father. “continue.”  I bet your wondering why I’m letting my mom beat my dad up. one it’s common two it’s funny and three she usually has a good reason.

Let me give you a little insight on my family. I have three brothers. We are quads. Werewolves and children to the alpha of our pack. my dad and mom were best friends since the day they met. She hated him for a few years. I’m mate less. Any who back to my parents. They are insane. And act like teenagers most of the time. my mother has anger problems and my father is scared of her when she gets like this.

“So what’d he do now?” I asked Rayne. The quite one. “Mom’s pregnant.” He told me. as Ryan, the crazy one, laughed at dad as dad was dragged into my parents room by his ankles. Seriously my mother is a lunatic. “With twins.” Ryder, the smart one, laughed high fiveing us. “Oh man she is going to kill him.” I laughed opening the door for my oldest brothers mate. Anna, Sara and James’s daughter. She hugged him then took a look around the room. “What’d your dad do?” she asked as my dad bolted for the stairs using me as a human shield. He knew my mother wouldn’t hit him if he was holding her baby girl. He had me over his shoulder as he ran through the house. sliding over the dining room table. “Hi mommy!” I said waving to her as I looked over my dad’s shoulders. “PUT HER DOWN SCOTT!” she yelled as my brothers came down handing me some popcorn. “Your family’s better than cable.” Seth, Shane and Erik’s adopted son, said. I waved to the fifteen year old. “I know.” I laughed as my mother pulled me out of my dad’s arms. He collapsed into fetal position as she beat him up. the pack rolled their eyes used to my mom.

I saw James mike and Erik dragging a boy my age in. he had black hair only jeans on and was very tan and muscular. *yum.* my best friend max, jess and mike’s daughter, said as she stood next to me looking him over.*agreed.* I smirked at her. “Rouge.” Mike told dad helping him up jumping back as my mother swung at him. laughing I covered my mouth as dad sent me a help look I sighed jumping on my mother’s back. Ripping the baseball bat from her grasp. I was the only kid with the alpha command in me. even though I am the youngest. “Calm down you can kill daddy later.” I said looking at the boy. He peeked through his hair and our eyes locked I froze for a second but then looked away. I felt his gaze on me. “Fine.” My mother huffed punching dad in the gut. “now you know how I feel idiot!” she yelled running upstairs. Rayne put an arm around me as Ryan tossed the rouge his shirt. I avoided his gaze. “HEY!” my dad yelled stepping in front of me. “Eyes off my daughter.” Dad growled at him as Rayne kissed my forehead when I handed him my popcorn. “Thanks girlie.” He said and followed my brothers upstairs. “Dad need me?” I asked him. nodding he had James and mike hold him down so he wouldn’t hurt me even though I knew he wouldn’t dare hurt me. for one reason only. He’s my mate.

I placed both my hands on each temple. And closed my eyes. shielding our thoughts from everyone. *I’m Stef. You?* I asked him. *How?” he asked me looking in my eyes. *one were mates. two I’m gifted. With one touch I can read someone’s thoughts so I chose.* I told him he smiled. *Nate angel.* he smiled and my dad scowled at him. *careful.  My dad is worried. So what were you doing on my land?* I asked him. *Yours? You a girl!* he said shocked. I growled threatening. *I’m the next alpha! What were you doing on my land you ass!* I snarled at him. okay so I’m as bad as my mother at times. “I’m sorry.” he said out loud. His voice husky. I smiled. “I’ll repeat what were you doing on my land?” I asked him. “Running from my pack. the alpha’s daughter is convinced I’m her mate. I don’t like it. I denied her because she was not my mate. My mate is beautiful. And not in that pack. I am a loner. My father was kicked out of his pack because his mate was from the enemies pack my mother the same. I’ve been on my own since I was sixteen. Four years ago.” he said he’s three years older than me. I’m seventeen. I looked at my dad. Nodding he was telling the truth. “Who’s your mate we’ll protect her as well.” dad said helping him up. I looked at Nate. Grabbing his wrist lightly *please don’t tell him! he’ll freak.* he looked at me slightly. “I haven’t claimed her yet they don’t know who she is. She’s safe. And not in there pack.” he said and took the apple I was about to take a bite from. I picked up my mothers baseball bat and wacked him in the back before he could take a bite and swiped it as he groaned in pain. “She’s her mother’s daughter.” Dad said shaking his head as Nate tried to figure out what just happened.  I smirked at Nate. “My apple.” I said taking a bit and skipping up the steps.

IMPORTANT! DU DU DUUU! SEQUEL!!! Tell me you love me! it’s Scott and rose’s only daughter’s story and the last in the series. :( Stefanie will have a similar personality to her mother. As you can tell Rose got slightly crazier. So tell me what you think.


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