chapter 23

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Chapter twenty three

Stef’s POV

“NATE!” I groaned into my pillow. “Yhea?” he asked me right beside me. “I’m hungry.” I whined. He groaned and rolled away from me. “Then get something.” He mumbled. “I don’t wanna move.” I whined. He looked at me from over his shoulder. “Fine.” He sighed getting out of bed. I smiled and snuggled into the warm sheets when he got back he tossed me a cereal bar. I watched him wrap the blanket around him and fall back asleep. I sighed and got up.

I walked out to my old tree house. thing defiantly is not stable.  I felt something cover my mouth as an arm went around me and I blacked out in seconds.

When I woke up I saw Nate’s cousin. “Hello.” He laughed. I blinked looking around. I saw I was in a hotel room. “what’s going on?” I asked him. “We need Nate. The only way to get him is to bait him. off your land on onto his.” He said pointing to Stefan and Kyra. I looked between them. “It won’t work.” I lied. Kyra laughed. “It will.” Stefan just rolled his eyes. *Nate?* I called out in my head. Nothing. “You can’t get a hold of your mate.” the rouge told me. “Anyone really.” Kyra laughed. I glared at her. “Why not?” I kept my cool. “Because you stole my mate this is happening to you. and he has a shield up.” she explained. “MINE.” I snarled. she jumped back. I closed my eyes and breathed. “Not for much longer.” She laughed. Taking my ring and her form changed. I watched wide eyed as her form changed to… mine. Stefan grabbed her arm. “Where is Kyra?” he snarled. “Bathroom.” she told him he ran to it but got pulled back by Nate’s cousin. I looked at the nasty silicone like flesh on the ground. “I always knew you were a plastic wannabe.” I teased. Stefan winced as she slapped me. “Shut up.” she snarled and kissed Nate’s Cousin. And ripped her clothing a bit. Then she ran out of the hotel room. Nate’s cousin glared. “What’s going on?” I asked him. “soon as he figures out she’s not you he’ll have her bring him here. we kill him. you can go.” He said simply I gasped.

Stefan mouthed I’m sorry. I looked at him confused as Nate’s cousin left. he squatted so he was eye level with me. I punched him as soon as he untied my arm. “I should have seen that coming.” He laughed as he nodded to the guard. The guard disappeared in the bathroom and Kyra walked out looking human. Jeans instead of a short skirt and a t-shirt. she ran over to Stefan and hugged him tightly. I saw she was crying. “What’s going on!” I whisper yelled. “This is the real Kyra. That thing has had her locked up since the year before Nate came to our pack. the demon had the entire pack wrapped around her finger. Everyone knew what she was but was to scared of her. even dad.” Stefan explained. Kyra blushed when she looked at me. “I’m sorry for what she did to you. I hope that we can fix this.” She sighed leaning onto Stefan. He tightened his grip. “What is she really your sister?” I asked him he looked away shaking his head. The demon is. Half. A half demon raped my mother. James I think was his name” I nodded and looked at Kyra. “And she is?” I asked. “No my sister.” He told me she elbowed him. “Then what is she to you?”

Nate’s POV

I woke up and saw Stef was missing. “Babe?” I called out. no answer. *Stef?* I called out again. I started freaking out. I ran up to her parents place not caring I was only in my boxers. Asking pack members if they’d seen Stef yet. “She went outside.” A random member said. I nodded and searched for her scent. Weak but there. I followed it and reached a tree house before another scent filled my nostrils. Keith. I growled and ran back to the pack house.

“Scott.” I said barging into his office. He was being attacked again by Rose. “GUYS!” I yelled. They froze. I took the pen from Rose’s hands and breathed. “I can’t find Stef. I fell asleep with her by my side. And woke up she was gone. I thought she got hungry and went to the kitchen. No, she went outside and got kidnapped!” I yelled shaking. My pregnant mate was kidnapped.

I started shaking violently. Scott ran over to me “Clam down.” he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I gripped my head trying to remain human. “It’s not working.” I growled. “Rose get out!” Scott demanded. She glared and slapped me. “Breath. This isn’t helping us get STEF back.” She yelled at me. my wolf whimpered agreeing letting me calm down. “Sometimes I think she was the one with the alpha gene.” Scott grumbled. She smirked and kissed his cheek. Rayne walked in. “Stef’s down stairs pretty beaten up too.” He said. “some things off about her.” he warned us. I nodded and ran down stairs. I sniff the air as I saw her standing there. She wasn’t pregnant. Then she should barely be able to walk. I sniffed the air again and growled low. “Where is Stefanie?” my voice made the imposter Laugh. And Kyra’s voice poked through. “Why it’s me.” Rose froze. “It’s can’t be only James’s blood relatives could have that power he was the last of his family. Unless.” She slashed Kyra’s cheek. “Your father was always a self centered bastard. Only cared about two things. Revenge. And having who he wanted. Looks like you have part of his personality.” Rose Growled. Scott held her against his chest. “Relax remember what happened last time.” he warned. Kyra growled. “You’re the Bitch that killed my father?” she asked and jumped up Scott got in the way and pushed her against the wall. “Your still young and weak.” He growled. “Now where is my baby girl.” He growled and shook her.  I saw Stef’s ring and growled. Taking of off her finger. “Where is she?” I asked holding it up.

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