chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

Nate’s POV

I looked at my angel and smiled as we watched the stars. “When do you want the wedding?” I asked her. we haven’t talked about it yet. She smiled. “Soon. It’s fall. And the lake is beautiful this time of year.” She begged. “How soon?” I laughed. “Friday?” she asked. I choked on my own spit sitting up. “Eager much?” I asked her a smile on my face. “Very.” She giggled. I shook my head. “Alright. We’ll see what we can do.” I told her. she smiled and ran off to tell her mom. I shook my head and Scott sat down next to me. “Friday?” he laughed shaking his head. “What?” I asked worried.

“well my daughter loves the lake and it is beautiful this time of year.”

“I know I went to see the lake earlier today.  It clears my head.”

“I did the same thing when I was younger. Me and rose would run out to lake as kids and clear our heads. We built the fort down there. Our dad’s built the dock.” He looked deep into thought. “when she hated me I thought that she’d never go back. Little did I know she went there every full moon.” Wait rose hated him? “Why did she hate you?” I asked him confused. “I pushed her out of a tree.” He laughed. I shook my head. “What for?” I was laughing with him. “I thought if she was hurt I wouldn’t have to leave. I still did.” He shook his head. “I was surprised her father didn’t kill me.” “Good thing he didn’t.” I sighed. “why?” he looked confused. “I wouldn’t have Stef if he did.” I told he laughed. “that’s true.” I stood up with him. “see you in the morning.”

I walked in to my room and saw Stef jumping on the bed. She smiled when she saw me. “Hey!” she laughed as she continued jumping. I laughed and got on the bed. “Hey angel stop before you break the bed.” She sighed and laid down next to me. I’d prefer to break the bed another way. she smiled and punched my shoulder. “What was that for?” I asked her. “Your holding me I heard that.” I closed my eyes damn. She smirked and snuggled into my side falling asleep.

Ryder’s POV

I closed the fridge door smelling my mate. I jumped when I saw a ten year old girl standing there. Not knowing her I made my face level with hers my smile fading as my wolf screamed mate. her dad is not going to be happy. “What’s you name sweetie?” I asked her she smiled and I saw the scar on her face. “I’m Anna!” she giggled taking my hand. “You wanna go play with me?” she asked shyly. I smiled and took her hand. “You play video games?” I asked her. she nodded and I pulled my DS out and handed it to her. “Here I don’t use it anymore.” LIE. That thing was my life. Ryan Rayne and I played tournaments late at night on world of war craft. She smiled and hugged me. “Thank you.” she said sending sparks though my body. “No problem. Come on we can play my wii till supper.” I told her taking her hand leading her to my room. Ryan and Ryder were there with Seth and Alice. They smiled at Anna and she hugged them. I felt a pang of jealousy. They knew my mate before me? “Ryder how do you work this thing?” she asked me. “come here.” I told her patting the space next to me. “Here is how you turn it on. and off. these are the controls. And this helps you play.” I told her holding up the stick. she nodded and I put in one and showed her how to play. She was into the game when Alex and max ran in and jumped on my bed. “Aww don’t mess it up!” I complained. “I said as Anna lost a life. “Ops.” She sighed and I pressed a so she could start over. “hey baby girl.” Alex said ruffling her hair. “I looked at him confused. “you didn’t know?” he asked looking at Anna. “know what I just met Anna today.” I told him. “She’s my little sister. Our dad gave her that scar.” I held in a growl. “How can someone do that to their own daughter.” “I have no idea.” Alex sighed as he watched me teach his sister how to play video games.

Ryan won the coin toss for Stef’s room. I looked over at Rayne he was older than Seth by two years. how did he keep it quite so long. “Hey man. Did you tell Seth as soon as you found out he was your mate or did you wait till he was thirteen?” I asked him. he looked at me in shock. “Why you wanna know?” he asked me. “Just wondering.” I sighed. “I waited. He was eleven I didn’t want him to feel weird. He hadn’t gone through the thirteenth full moon yet so he wouldn’t feel the connection as much as I did.” He said sitting up. “Why you find your mate?” he asked me. I kept quite. “Who is she!” he asked excited. “She’s ten.” I whispered. He froze. “your mate is ten! Who is she?” he asked then it clicked. “You would never let a ‘little kid’ touch your DS man. Anna. Alex’s sister. Am I right?” he asked me. I smiled at the sound of her name. “Yhea. back to you why didn’t you tell us. Were you twins!” I asked Rayne. “I was scared. I know mom wouldn’t have cared I just wasn’t ready to tell anyone.” Rayne sighed and threw a pillow at me. “her brother is going to be pissed. When you going to tell him?” he asked me. “Un like you I’m not a coward.” I teased. “So now?” he asked me. “Hell no! he’d rip me to bits!” I laughed. “I’m just going to tell mom dad Stef and Ryan. Then I’ll hid behind Anna and tell him she’s my mate. when she’d thirteen. Aww man I’ll be over eighteen. That would be illegal.” I smacked my forehead. Great I get the complicated love life.

I looked at my mom and dad Rayne and Ryan were with their mates. “I found my mate.” I told them over dinner. “That’s great who is she?” mom asked. “Anna. Alex’s little sister.” I sighed looking at my plate. When they looked at each other confused. “The problem?” they asked. “Her brother will rip me to shreds. She’s ten dad! I’m seven years older than she is!” he bit his lip. “Okay so you have a small dilemma.” Dad said looking at mom. “She hated me for ten years. that was my dilemma. I thought at first SHE was going to rip me to shreds.” Dad laughed. Mom smiled. “I wanted to so badly to.” She joked looking at me. “Tell Alex and discuss with him what you want to do. After all it is his sister and your mate.” mom said kissing my fore head. Guys night with Alex and Nate. The two of them and my brothers and most likely Seth. And Kyle, Star, and grey. Nate’s bachelor party! Tomorrow. uhh.

I looked at Ryan as he walked in Stef’s room. “Hey can I talk to you?” I asked him he nodded. “Sure man what’s up?” he asked me. “Anna Alex’s little ten year sister is my mate.” I told him. he froze. “Your mate is ten?” he asked me I nodded. “Man this is awkward.” “Imagine how I feel.” I sighed running a hand through my hair. “Alex and Nate are going to kill you.” he sighed. “Why Nate?” I asked him. “He’s her uncle. The three of them were pretty tight for the longest time. then Kyra kept her hostage to try and lure Alex and Nate back.” I froze shaking. “ops.” He said backing away. “that bitch did what?” I snarled. as Nate and Stef walked in Alex and Anna behind them. I got up and stormed out of the room I froze in the door when I saw Anna hid behind Alex. I held my hand out. “I would never hurt you.” I whispered tears in my eyes. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me to keep from falling laying her head on my shoulder I held her as she calmed me down. Alex froze and Nate closed his eyes lowering his head.

 i wanted u to get to know ryder in this chapter. and just so you know he feels extreamly werided out by haveing a ten year old as his mate. so don't judge him!

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