chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen

Stef’s POV

I waited with Rayne for Seth at study hall. “Where is he?” he asked me worried. I sighed and saw him slide down the hall from the corner into the lockers. He looked behind at where he came from and took off I saw a bruise forming on his face and froze looking at Rayne who hadn’t noticed him yet luckily he took off in the opposite direction from us. “You wait here for him I’ll go find him.” I told my brother and took off following some seniors from the football team. I saw Seth and tackled him. “What happened?” I asked him “Football players, from gym. Idiots.” He gasped trying to catch his breath. I sighed and helped him up as they reached us. I cracked my knuckles as they laughed. “Don’t touch my friend.” I growled as they laughed. “Look a little girl and a Stef.” I lowered my head  biting my lip. “You really don’t know who your messing with.” I said and they went to attack Seth. I elbowed the first one in the chest knocking the air out of him. kicked the next in the chest and waited for the last one to attack. I smiled as his friends scurried away. he looked between them and me. I jumped up and kicked him in the face. “Leave my family alone.” I growled holding him by the shirt. he nodded and ran after his friends. I smiled and looked at the bruises on Seth’s face. “Come with me.” I said dragging him to the girls bath room. I texted max and Alice. (AN I changed Ryan’s mate’s name to Alice less confusing. Alex’s sister Anna and Ryan’s mate Anna. Yhea. so now his mate’s name is Alice.)

when they saw Seth sitting on the bathroom counter. They gasped. “they really did a number on his face.” Max said pulling her makeup out with Alice. “You do realize if your brother see’s this he’ll have a cow and a farm to go with it.” Alice said as we started working on his eye nose and cheek. I had already cleaned up the blood. “Yhea. that’s why where locking him up in training hall when he sees it. I took a few picture on my cell. I’ll send them to him when he starts wrestling practice to all of my brothers.” I said scheme forming in my brain. “Do whatever you want I’m not telling him.” Seth grumbled as the bell rang for next period. “Why?” we asked him at the same time. “For the very reasons you just said. and it could get him expelled.” I nodded. “That’s why wrestling practice. Ryder and Ryan will keep him in line while they all beat the crap out of them.” I said simply. “Okay.” Seth said unconvinced as he looked at his face in the mirror. “Like it never happened.” I told him as he touched his nose. “still tender.” He whispered and we dragged him out of the restroom a hood covering his face so no one would realize he was a boy.

“Hey Rayne. Found him he was in the nurse’s office. Upset stomach.” I told my brother as he kissed Seth. He pulled away quickly looking Seth over. “You okay?” he asked worried. “Yhea I’m fine.” He said and walked away. “just let him be, practice is tonight.” I reminded him. “yhea.” he groaned and kissed my forehead. “I know take Seth home and make sure he’s alright.” Rayne told me and headed to class. carter smiled and sat next to me. “So how are the love birds?” he asked me. “Perfect. Thanks.” I told him he smiled. “My pleaser. So your parents didn’t care?” he asked me. “My mother was thrilled. And dad was just shocked.” I told him. he smiled and nodded. “My parents kicked me out now I live with my grandmother.”  He told me I hugged him. “Aww. That’s okay. They’ll come around eventually.” I told him he chuckled. “Hopefully before I die.” He whispered and dad started class.

Rayne punched my shoulder. “You set me up!” he growled. “Why what do you me and dear brother?” I asked a smirk on my face. “to get me to come out.” he growled. “Aww. Yhea that.” I scratched my head. “Well it needed done.” “I know. Thanks.” He said and hugged me. “I smiled and walked to Seth’s locker a couple of kids were laughing at him and pushing him around I saw heard a small growl and Seth’s head snapped up tears were in his eyes. Rayne started to storm over to him I grabbed his arm. “You’ll only make it worse.” I snapped. He started to shake. “How?” he growled at me. “Wait.” I said and listened in to the kids taunting. “Where’s your boyfriend now fag?” one of them laughed. I closed my eyes. then looked at Seth when I heard a snap. I saw Seth beat the kids up. “he might be smaller. But he’s faster.” I told my brother and let him go to his mate’s side. Seth looked down at his bleeding knuckles. And smiled. “I did it.” he whispered then looked up at me. I saluted him. we’ve always protected him. one of these days we won’t be around to protect him. time to train him more than basics.

At home I dragged Seth to the training hall. And smirked. Nate agreed to help me train him. Nate was practicing on some dummies with his swords. Seth gulped as he watched. “I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that.” I smiled. “I know. Come on.” I said and tossed him a stick. “Use your surroundings.” I told him. “You only have a few seconds to look around.” I told him. he quickly glanced around as I picked up another stick. “now look at me only me.” I told him. “watch my movements.” I ordered. I started to attacked him. “use your instincts. Block me. try to strike me.” I told him and he worked his way around the hall using his surrounding to knock me down. I had him on the ground four times by the end of two hours. I sighed. “Clean up the guy’s will be home soon.” I told him he nodded and ran into the house. Nate shook his head. “Try me.” he said picking up the forgotten stick. I smirked. “Give me your best shot.”

We heard a crash in the house and ran inside. I saw Seth being held back by Erik as Ryan and Ryder held Rayne back. I saw Seth’s make up was gone. “What happened?” Rayne cried holding Seth’s face as he broke free from my brothers. “Just some bullies.” He said pushing Rayne back and hid his face.  Rayne pulled his face closer to his. “No. they weren’t just bullies were they?” he asked him kissing Seth’s face. “Who?” “No one.” Seth lied. “Tell me.” Rayne begged. “Jocks.” Seth whispered slapping Rayne’s hand away. “tell me there names. I’ll kill them.” Rayne growled. “I don’t know they were in my gym class Stef took care of it!” he said and ran to his room. I looked at my brother. “I beat them and warned them to stay away.” I told him. “NOW GO TO HIM!” he nodded and ran upstairs.

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