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My name is Violet Ramon daughter of Cisco Ramon and Lydia Snow (now Ramon).
5 years ago my mother married my dad and eventually I was born in the year 2020.
My mother was a vigilante called snow storm, she had the ability to control any thing related to snow and ice. Until she found a way to terminate her power, she didn't want her powers after what happened to my aunt.

So she settled down to live a normal life with my dad but what they didn't know was that I will end up having the same powers as my mother.

Her meta-human gene was still in her DNA and passed it onto me, she taught me how to control it and that I should never EVER use it, but I don't believe in that.

The day my City needs me is going to be the day that the Flash dies, and when he dies no one will be there for them, that was there fate until I was born.

My dad is an engineer for S.T.A.R. Labs and he has been head engineer for years, he used to tell me story's of him helping the flash when I was younger.

He was actually the one to make his suit and name most of the "meta-humans" as my dad called them.

I was snapped out of my thought by my teacher clicking her fingers in front of my face "Violet?!" She yelled "if you would please pay attention for once?" She said as if she was poor and begging for money.

"Sorry Ms" I apologised. She continued on with her lecture about our countries history. I always found it hard to concentrate I would always zone out and enter into my past even other people's pasts, this was the one gift I never told anyone not even my parents. It was getting worse as I aged.

I couldn't control this part of me, it was a demon. Everyone has their own demons but mine where scary, mine had powers. Enough power to wipe out the city completely.

I tapped my pen on the desk looking up at the clock waiting for it to make the ringing noise that every teenager loved

It rung and I ran out of the school and towards my home down the street the winter air blowing my black hair around behind me.

It was Flash day the day where we thank our hero, I wasn't that into it but my mother and farther where since they worked with him, I wanted my uncle Barry to come but he said he was busy.

He has never seen the flash and he wasn't too keen on him, he always liked avoiding the subject of the Scarlet Speedster.

I threw my bag onto the couch and ran up the stairs. "Violet!" My mother yelled from down stairs. She was probably yelling at me for running through the house and throwing my bag on the sofa.

I ignored her and threw my Flash t-shirt on, my uncle got it for me for my 14th birthday. He got me two, one was the original logo that he had which was the red a yellow but he also got me the new logo with the white yellow and red.

I decided that the newer one looked better and more original and pulled it over my head. My mum was doing the finishing touches on her make-up and my dad was probably prepping the meta-human task force.

Flash day was always a very dangerous day but I loved the danger. Every year a new statue was put into the museum of the flash, and each year a new meta-human rises from the ashes and tries to ruin the event.

But this year, was the year that I would meet the flash. My dad promised me that I would meet the flash and he made an arrangement with him.

I was going to meet the flash.

A/N: Hey guys I really hoped you like this chapter! I'm really happy with my new character, what do you think of her? I have a real plan for this Fanfiction and it's going to be great. Also very short promise next one will be 1000 words.

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