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That night I had slept on a blow-up mattress in Xanders Room.

I had a weird dream about this guy... He was like the Flash but black and he had blue lightning instead of yellow. He wasn't the Reverse Flash or the Flash. He spoke to me.

"Young Vigilante?" He laughed "oh you really are cute, inspiring to be like the Flash." He walked around me. "Heroes die!" He yelled into my ear.

I attempted to shoot him with ice but failed. "I won't fail!" I shouted back in triumph.

"Your evil, Violet Ramon and the sooner you accept your true self the sooner you will feel free".

"I'm good, I know I am" I started questioning myself.

"Until next time, Frostbite". His voice faded into nothing.

I sat up breathing heavily. Sweat dripping from my head "night terror" I sighed quietly.

I'd never seen him or her before, it was probably just a demon of my dreams. It was strange though. It almost felt...real.

I got up and walked to the kitchen where I got a glass of water, I had a feeling I was being watched. It could have just been my imagination but I felt like I was being watched.

I put my glass down and my hand turned cold, I was ready to shoot what ever was around the corner.

I slowly walked around the corner and fired at the thing that I fought was a bad guy.

I turned the light on and covered my mouth with my hand "I killed the cat..." I said in disbelief.

"You what?" A voice said from behind me. I almost screamed but my cold hand covered my mouth.

"Xander, don't sneak up on me like that!" I punched him in the arm. "Listen I can't stay here, I need to go back to my aunt and uncles".

"Why?" He asked it was dark but I could still see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm too dangerous". While that was true I could also control my power but what I couldn't control was my visions. My dreams scared me. "I'm sorry, I'll as you on Monday". I grabbed my suit and walked to my aunts house.

My Aunt and Uncle didn't live far from Xander. I climb up the side of the house and jumped through the window to the guest room.

My uncle walked into the room and turned on the light "thought I heard someone" he smiled. Barry was understanding, caring and kind.

"Has mom told you?" I said sitting on the end of the bed.

"About you being a vigilante? Yes she has, she's worried about you Violet. She doesn't know where you are".

"She wants to turn me into some kind of science experiment" I sighed looking at my feet.

"She is your mom, Violet. She knows how hard it can get trust me she has been through a lot. Get some rest okay?"

"Okay" I smiled half heartedly and got into bed. He then said good night and turned off the light.

Okay okay I get it shitty chapter im sorry I'm just trying to get to the good shit.

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