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I knew Xander was safe and out of the city, would he ever forgive me after this? Probably not.

I pulled my now white as snow hair out of my pony tail and let it fall freely around my structured face.

I was cold.

Like ice.


As I turned around to leave my safe house I spotted the box I was sent, it was the box that contained my mask that the Arrow gave me.


That's the one person I hadn't thought about... What if he came to try an stop me, I couldn't handle two 'heroes' at once. They would do what my mother did to my Aunty.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts I had a plan to follow through with I couldn't let minor set backs distract me.

Leaving the safe house I pulled out my cell phone calling Leonard.

"Hey Captain, gather as many meta-humans as you can, I need you to distract the Flash" I ordered waiting confirmation. 

With a confirmed yes I made my way to S.T.A.R. Laboratories. I waited for the sound of police sirens before I entered the building, carefully and quietly taking out the cameras as I made my way to the main area where I knew the control panels where and no doubt my farther, Cisco Ramon.

It would have been around Nine PM. I could her my farther's voice telling Barry what to do. I quietly walked up behind him wrapping my cold ice hands around his mouth muffling his cries for help.

"If you want to live, I suggest you don't scream." I whispered quietly loud enough for only him to hear.

He nodded in agreement a then got the cloth I had soaked in knock-out gas around his mouth and noes until he stopped struggling and passed out. I handcuffed him to his chair moving him into the pipe-line where he wouldn't be able to escape.

"Here's the thing about building containments that people like me can't escape from. It means if it ever backfired and you ended up in there, you would have no chance of escape" I stated to the unconscious Cisco before shutting the door.

I proceeded back to the lab where I found my mother looking around and picking up the cloth. "Hello Mother" I said with a cocky grin, my cold body emerging from the shadows of the flickering light.

"Violet..." She said in a gasp but almost a breathe "you don't know what your doing, where is your Farther?" She stated and asked.

I let out a blood curdling laugh "oh Mother, I know very well what I'm doing. Oh and Dad? Good luck finding him, and when you do it might be to late..." I laughed again.

My mothers figure turned from an innocent one to a furious one, her eyes turning the same blue colour that mine did. And with that she shot an ice blast at me.

"How?!" I yelled "you reversed your power?" I said dodging the icy blast.

"Like I said it never left my DNA" and with that statement we engaged in an icy battle, mine to death.

The battle went on for longer then I had expected I had only been blasted once but I had multiple hits on my mother.

"YOU RUINED MY AUNTIES LIFE!" I yelled before putting all of my force into one blast, everything was in slow motion the blast hit Lydia square in the chest, she collapsed to the ground chest not rising or falling, zero sign of life left. "And now I've ruined yours".

I walked back over to the control panels where I began tampering with Barry's suit from the inside out, likely my Farther was smart enough and made the suit electronically wired to the system.

Now when I froze him he wouldn't be able to escape, instead it would only make the condition worse freezing him from the inside out, just like my mother.

I made sure everything was all go before I began to exit the lab leaving my mothers lifeless cold body on the floor of the lab.  Serves her right.

I left the lab the City was I chaos. The sun was only beginning to rise, news helicopters roamed the sky along with police helicopters with there big flashlights.

Today is my day.

This is my city.

And I'm not saving it.

I'm curing it.

I stood on top of the building the Flash only meters below me. I jumped off of the building a gust of wind created by one of the Martin brothers saving me from my death, I nodded in a respectful thank you before I turned my attention to the Flash.

"Well hello again, Flash" a cocky grin plastered on my face as I took a few steps closer.

"This is over, Violet. " he growled like a wild animal. "You can't win".

I laughed a little "oh that's cute, you actually thought your going to win!" I laughed historically "yeah, good luck with that, speedster. "

I stomped again the ground instantly turning into black ice. A shot a mild blast of ice at him.

"you can't run.... Literally" I smirked and shot another blast this one incasing him in ice up to his neck. "Now for the fun part" as I put my finger on the button I sharp painful sensation ran through my body.

I screamed a blood curdling scream dropping to the ground my hands wrapping around what was shot at me. An Arrow....

The body who shot the sharp arrow walked up to me and ripped it out of my cold flesh that was now covered in my thick, warm red blood. Another scream escaping my mouth, I couldn't move as much as I wanted to. Either my body was in full shock or that arrow had something in it.

Vision becoming blurry and voices becoming muffled I slowly drowned, in my own oxygen.

"It's over, Violet" a deep husky voice sounded and with that my body gave up, stopped fighting and I was unconscious.     

A/N: 1016 words not including this authors note. I almost cried writing this chapter, to be honest. #riplydia.

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