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The Flash must have been going through in his head what just happened because he gave me enough time to freeze his legs to the ground. I heard a buzzing like noise over the heroes screams of pain. His suit started to radiate heat. "Thermal threading baby!" I heard I voice say through the com in the Flash's ear.

My legs walked closer to the Flash my body following, I leant up to his ear "Hello Daddy" an evil smirk crawled onto my face along with a little laugh. My dads celebration seemed to stop very quickly as he realised the voice.

"Violet?" The Flash said taking off his mask. The green eyes, and brown ruffled hair where massive giveaways. My uncle was....is The Flash...

"Barry?" I said my voice cracking a little through the tears I was choking. He walked up to me and held me in his arms. "You betrayed me!" I shouted and iced his body.
"Acting?" Snart questioned his gun still in his gloved hand. I nodded in confirmation. "You Barry Allen are dead to me". I turned my back walking away from the scene of the now frozen speedster.

I walked to the warehouse freezing anyone who dare to get in my way. "ZOOM!" I shouted "show yourself!" A blue portal opened up revealing the speedster.

"Did you bring me the flash?" He questioned.

"No, but I know who the Flash is" I smiled "his my uncle, Barry Allen married to Iris West-Allen" I said my posture straight and my chin up as if I was a troop in the army.

"Your work is admired even though I already knew, but I want the Flash Violet. NOT information. Now go" he said pointing to the door. "Once YOU kill the Flash bring him to me and I will make you the most powerful being of both worlds"

I bowed in respect "yes, Zoom. Thank you, Zoom". I turned my back and left the warehouse. All I had to do now was kill Barry Allen, but could I? He was my uncle. What was more important to me? Power or the choice to destroy those who lied to me and threatened me? Was I really question myself?

My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I reached for it and answered it "hello?" I said rather bluntly and bitchy.

"Vi?! Is that really you?!" A male voice said in a concerned but joyful voice. "Oh my god vi, are you okay?" He asked. I soon figured out that the voice was one of my 'Friends' Xander.

"Xander?" All thoughts of darkness leaving my mind "where are you?" I asked frantically.

"I'm looking for you! Why in gods sack did you brake Captain Cold out?!" He yelled

"Listen, Xander you need to get out of the city now!" I ordered "I'm killing the Flash tonight and I don't know what's going to go down after that." I explained.

"I'm not leaving, Vi" he said sternly.

It was my turn to be stern. He needed to go if he didn't zoom or the other villains might kill him. "Yes. You. Are... Don't make me come and kidnap you! Because I will and you know it! Go..."

He let out a heavy sigh that was noticeable through the phone. I could picture all hope drained from his face like a persons life-full colour that drains once the pass into the other side of life. "Fine..." He said sadly. "I'll leave in an hour, I'll use the train to get to Starling, call me when this is over... Or don't".

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it, and with that I pressed the red button on my phone hanging up the call. Shoving the phone back into my fury jacket I headed back to my base which was situated in the icy castle that I had built in my free time.

I laid a out a slab of ice and began to carve out diagrams and equations on how to destroy the Flash. Everyone knew that you can't get friction while on ice and I knew that the Flash wouldn't be that stupid to run over solid ice. I sat in thought for a few seconds before thinking out loud. "I'll make the roads black ice so that is practically invisible, but my dad probably knows me too well so I'll have to find a way to take out is communication to the Flash and ruin the heating system that the flash has in his suit reversing the function completely so that he kills himself".

It's a genius plan it couldn't go wrong. I knew that I couldn't this by myself, I was going to need a few meta-humans to distract the Flash while I took care of my Farther.

Today is the mark of a new dawn.

A/N: Hey guys hope you are super excited for the next chapter because it is possibly going to be around 1000 words and full of drama. I'm also probably 3 or 4 more chapters away from ending this story.

Snow {Sequal to Winter (A FLASH FANFICTION) }Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin