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Where am I?


What's going on?

These are the questions I continued to ask myself as my eyes flickered open blinded by the bright light created by our sun.

The sound of birds chirping woke me up, usually I woke up to the sound of cars and my Farther and Mother cooking breakfast together.

But I couldn't smell the sweet syrup that dad put on his pancakes or the sound of the cars. It was discomforting...

Disorientating .

I wasn't in my own bed, nor my own home. I was at Thea's. I wrapped my robe around myself and walked down the flight of stairs to see my uncle Oliver standing at the bottom with Felicity in his arms.

"Ollie?" I said walking down to the very bottom. "Why am I here and not at home with Dad and Mom?" I asked.

Felicity's smile faded as she furrowed her brow. "Violet, sweetly." She said softly leaving Oliver's embrace and wrapping her arms around myself.

Tears began to form in my eyes, it took every part of me to try and be strong.

"She was on her way back to Central City when she flipped her car, there was black ice on the road and she lost control of the car..." Tears began to stream down my face. "She died from impact, your very lucky to have survived you hit your head and lost some of your memory." Felicity said.

"No...." I whispered quietly the tears not stopping "She can't be! No!" I shouted the tears became heavy, my knees began to feel weak and my head dizzy. "No...." I whispered once again.

Oliver walked over supporting me as I began to collapse. He knew what is was like to loose your mother, my grandma had died too, just not in a very nice way.

"Her funeral is in a few days, where going to take you to Central City. Your friend Xander will be there and so will your Farther" Felicity said.

Her eyes where red and puffy as where Oliver's from holding back tears. "Where is Thea?" I asked

"She's in Central City helping your Farther cope" Oliver said.

"Come on let's go get your dressed" Felicity said escorting me upstairs to go get changed out of my night gown and robe.

"Why her?" I asked. It wasn't so much a question to felicity nor to myself but to whoever took her life.

"Things happen, Vi" Felicity began "maybe God just needed another angel up in heaven, someone to look after you, just remember she will always be in your heart"

{ Central City 5 days later }

Thea tied my hair up into I neat bun while I just stared into my own eyes in front of the mirror the past few days had been hard.

But today was the day where we buried my mom and buried our sadness with her, I should have been happy for her. Happy that she wasn't in any pain, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't force I smile onto my face.

People say that you should be happy when people are buried as they no longer feel pain.

What do we really cry about? The fact that there gone or the fact that we pity ourselves because we will never see them again?

"Come on, Violet" Thea said her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me in the mirror it's almost time.

We walked into the church where my parents where married. We wanted the same priest who married my mother and farther to send my mother off to heaven.

"Would anyone like to say a few words?" The priest called.

I rose from my seat everyone seemed to be anxious and scared for some strange reason. I took my placed infront of her coffin.

"Lydia Ramon was not only a sister to some, and a wife to another, but she was also a mother.... " a tear fell from my eye and dropping onto her coffin. "My mother, we certainly had our ups and downs but in the end we loved each other. Sometimes you say things you don't mean, like 'I hate you' or 'I wish you weren't my mother' but you never mean it, no matter how much you think you do, you don't. Believe me. I don't remember her death, and I guess I'm lucky, but there was one thing I never told you, and that was that I love you. I love you momma" tears began streaming down my face like a waterfall as leant down and kissed the wooden Coffin.

After a few more speeches her coffin was set on fire after we all said her final goodbyes.

We collected her ashes and made them into fireworks, she always loved fireworks while they could be deadly they where beautiful.

As the fire works set alight to the sky I turned to face my uncle Oliver "mom once said I was like a fire work..." I said "deadly but beautiful... I never knew what it meant, but something tells me I do now".

My name is Violet Lydia Ramon.

I don't exactly know my past as well as I did.

But I know that you should hold onto the things you love.

Hold onto them like a balloon.

And when it's time...

Let go...

Let go of them and watch them rise into the sky in all of their beauty.

This is the end of my story.

I love you mom....

A/N: Okay guys I know that this was a really sad chapter but I felt like I should end the story here. I love all of you guys to infinity and back you mean the world to me.

While writing this book I realised a few things. You should cherish those that you love, and like what Violet 'Said'

"Hold onto those you love, and let go of them when you know it's the right time".

I hope you all enjoyed this Fanfiction. As this is probably the end of this series.

[or until season 3 of the flash comes out so expect to see another one of these books late 2017]

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