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"I'm going to take down the flash, it's my destiny" I promised to zoom. But first I was going to brake into S.T.A.R. laboratories and free Snart.

I jumped off of the building leaving zoom behind me ice surfing towards S.T.A.R. labs. I froze both of the two security guards walking past the dead, cold bodies in triumph. I made my way to the door which was locked, it looked like I needed a keycard. I went back to the guard and punched the bit of ice taking his card. "You won't be needing this" I said as if talking to him. I walked back up to the door swiping the card. The lights went blue and the doors opened to the pipeline. My fingers hovered over the clipboard which had all of the criminals codes on them. "Snart" I said as my index finger scrolled down the paper, I stopped when I saw 'Snart Leonard' written on the paper. I always found it funny how they always put people in alphabetical order by last names. I scrolled beside his name to find the numbers '2014121', once the numbers where memorised I headed over to the keypad and entered in the numbers "2014121" I said as I typed them in. "And we have take off" I pressed the button the door opened revealing Leonard. He was still behind glass.

"Frostbite? What a surprise" he said with a smug smile. "Does your daddy know that his little girl is out past her bed time". He taunted.

"I'm here to let you out, I'm asking if you want to help me take down the flash?" I proposed the offer. He didn't reply for a few seconds so my thoughts where that he was thinking.

"Sure, but you work for me not vice versa. " he bargained.

"Sorry, Snart I can't do that, you see I work with Zoom, so we work for each other"

He nodded in agreement. I knew I could trust Captain Cold fully but at the same time we where no badder then each other. He has killed and I have and I intend to kill a bigger target. I walked over to the Arsenal and pulled out Snart's cold gun "you might need this" I threw it to his direction "remember if you cross me it will be the worst mistake you've ever made" I threatened.

We made our way out of the lab alarms where already sounding the lights switched off and only the sound was of a siren and red flashing lights to follow. Security guards must have found the icy cold guards because we where being chased. I turned around and stomped my foot causing the ground to ice underneath them, their frost ran up their legs until it moved up to the face encasing them in an icy death trap. I smiled to myself before turning back to Leonard "can an ice gun do that?" I smirked. I walked past him and out of the building.

The Flash stood in front of us shock written all over his masked face. "Flash? How nice of you to stop by" Snart remarked. He had I cut on his cheek, zoom mentioned something about capturing the flash. He must have escaped.

"Listen if your smart you would surrender" the scarlet speedster stated, you could still hear the shock in his voice.

"You see I'm not afraid of you in fact I could kill you right this second, as much as I want to I can't, that's zooms job". I said and with that I walked past the flash. No one had ever treated the hero the way I did. I didn't give two shits about him so I didn't pretend like a cared, he treated me unfairly so now it's my turn for revenge.

A/N: okay so I've decided to leave this Chapter here because it's Christmas 2015! So have a merry Christmas and here is my present to you!

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