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I walked down the stairs Iris had already gone to work as she did the morning news. Barry was sitting at the breakfast table listening to the story carefully.

"Captain cold has been taken down by an unknown force, is there other people like the flash out there? The forensic scientist and detectives have said no weapons where used apart from the ice gun. But traces of froze dirt molecules remain underground. Leonard Snart remains in hospital for level 2 frostbite on the legs. Newspapers are starting to call this mysterious hero FrostBite. I'm Iris West-Allen signing off".

Barry turned off the T.V. And looked over at me "looks like we don't need to worry about the Flash anymore" he smiled.

I smiled back "I've got to go to school I'll see you later Barry!" I smiled grabbing my bag and running out of the house.

I met up with my friend Xander at the bus stop he was handsome but I had never looked at him then more then a friend all of the girls would die for him.

He had blonde shaggy hair and blue eyes, he was a kid from Starling City. He calls it the City of Sin.

"Hey Snowflake!" He joked as he jumped up behind me grabbing my shoulders. I stiffened at the name Snowflake, but a relaxed realising no one knew.

"Hey goofball" I smiled once I had calmed down and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Have you heard about that Frostbite chick?" He asked "she took down Captain cold!"

"How do you even know it's a girl she could be a he" I argued.

"I have a feeling she isn't a he" he smiled. The yellow bus pulled up the brakes squeaking and the smell of smoke trailed behind it.

I climbed into my seat in front of Xander, putting my bag beside me so no one would sit next to me.

"Do you think she will be out tonight?" He asked facing towards me.

"Maybe, what if she is why do you care?" I asked.

"I'm going to find her. I want to see her, Vi. Don't you? She needs a team right? Xander, Violet and Frostbite." He smiled brightly. 

"Andy I know this means a lot to you but she is dangerous she put captain cold into hospital! What would she do to you?"  I had to protect my identity by making him think that I think that she is evil. Oh great I'm referring to her as her now! 

He sighed a heavily "I expected more from you Violet". He said in disappointment.

I turned around to face the front on sadness I couldn't tell Xander as much as I wanted the Arrow would kill me.

"Xander meet me at the old abandoned warehouse after school okay?" I whispered turning back around. "Let's go catch Frostbite".

A/N: Only a very short chapter it's more of a filler that will build up the next chapter. Love you guys xxoo

Snow {Sequal to Winter (A FLASH FANFICTION) }Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu