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That's what it feels like to be in my situation, I feel like water is filling my lungs instead of oxygen.

My eyes flickered open the bright light blinding me I looked around I was in some sort of cave, I was no longer in my suit but I'm some sort of jumpsuit.

"You've caused a lot of trouble, Ramon" the deep husky voice sounded again I turned my face to see where it was coming from. It was the Arrow, now formally known as the Green Arrow.

"Trying to kill your, uncle and bringing him to Zoom was one thing... But killing Lydia" his voice hinted seriousness and sadness, he must have known my mother.

I remained silent listening to his words, I was chained to the wall and somehow my powers weren't working.

"You know I'm not sure if that was you that killed her, or if it was Zoom, he got into your head, Violet." He continued.

"How do you know my name?" I asked looking up at the vigilante "what have you done to me?"  

"How could I not know Central Cities biggest Villain, you make my city look like heaven"  he said "and your wearing a suit that cancels out your powers, also when I shot you the arrow injected horse tranquilliser into you, it's the same poison that pits horses to sleep".

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

"That I am unaware of. Because you are not 18 I can't put you on the island with the rest of psychos, so the power is in your Farthers hands and I doubt he will take you back in after what you did to the love of his life. " he finished.

What had I done? This wasn't me I wasn't the bad guy... Was I? I didn't kill my mom, I don't recall killing her. Warm tears began to stream down my face.

"For the time being you will remain here, under constant guard either by myself or Diggle"

"Please kill me..." I whispered "please" I pleaded louder. "I don't want to live knowing what I have done to my family..." I said

"Sorry to interrupt" I female voice sounded a blonde women with glasses approached me "but there is another way for you to live without your memories." She said. "It's risky but it might work, if that was zoom who got into your head then we know your not the bad guy" she continued.

"Felicity, please..." The Arrow said trying to cut the blonde off and move her away from me "she's dangerous".

"Well maybe we can fix her..." She said "I'm sure Cisco and Barry still have Lydia's notes on how she cured herself." Felicity stated

"Fine..." He grunted taking off his mask.

"Oliver?" I said shocked to see my uncle. He wasn't really my uncle due to the fact the my mother wasn't really related to Oliver or Thea.

"I was going to tell you..." He said taking off my handcuffs "but you went... Rogue".  His pauses where as if he was trying to find the right words.

"I just got of the phone with your Farther and uncle" felicity stated "where going to get rid of your power and erase your memory from what happened, your mothers funeral is in a week, so that's when you will go back to central. But... You'll only be there for the funeral your farther thinks it's best if we look after you until your more... Stable".

"Okay. So when do we start?" I asked rubbing my wrists from where the cuffs and chains had been.

"Now" Oliver but in walking over to the table grabbing a box that had a needle in it. "Your mother made two, just in case if it failed she could see where she went wrong, thanks to her success we can help you"

He walked over, needle in hand before injecting the blue liquid into my system, it would be a lie if I said it didn't hurt. It burnt but I had to be strong for my mother.

After the pain had subsided Felicity advised that I changed into normal clothes and tried to shoot at something with an ice blast.

The needle was successful I no longer had my gift or curse. But not only did my ice stop, the visions and voices in my head stopped.

"Their gone..." I whispered a small smile growing on my face "their gone!" I yelled happily.

"Who's gone?" Oliver asked concern.

"The visions!" I said "the visions and voices, their gone" I said happily.

"Now for the brain washing... This may hurt a little" felicity said strapping me to the table.

And with her words I was electrocuted my memories slipping away through pain and muffled screams.


Not again.

I was drowning.


And then blackness...

A/N: I know it's pretty short and shitty compared to the last chapter but it's almost the end so cut my a break possible 2 or 3 more chapters left.

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