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"I'm not... Bad I'm good! I don't kill people? I just kinda hurt them a little". I said to myself as I stared at myself in the mirror.

My dreams about the Pitch Black speedster had been playing in my dreams on reply, and each day I wake up I feel a darkness inside of me and with each nightmare the darkness grows.

I shook the emotions and thoughts out of my head and walked downstairs. To find only my aunt on the TV, no uncle Barry.

"The flash is missing AGAIN, is this the end for Central City? The CCPD have found footage of the Scarlet Speedster being beaten by a man in a Black suit. He claims to be called Zoom, Zoom as taken our beloved Flash... Who will save us? Frostbite?" She straightened her papers and looked straight into the camera. "If you find this man police are urging that you do not approach. I am Iris West-Allen signing off, back to you Ann".

"No it can't be! Zoom isn't real! He isn't real!" Tears streamed down my face. "No one will live".

Earth II [Third Person POV]

"Flash!" Zoom laughed at the damaged man. "If only the people of Central City could see how WEAK you are" he mocked. "But what's going to happen when a hero doesn't save them?" He asked.

He couldn't answer back due to the large amount of blood in his mouth.

"And that little girl, what do they call her? Frostbite that's it, she has more of a dark soul then a good one".

Earth I [Violets POV]

I feel a darkness growing inside of me, making me want to kill, come after blood. I have been pushing my family away. I just want this to end I have no clue on who I am anymore.

I picked up my mask and looked into it "maybe I wasn't meant to be a hero." I said to myself quietly "all I ever do is screw stuff up, I'm probably responsible for the Flashes death".

I threw my mask at the wall and jumped out of the window making an ice platform underneath me and made my way to a building.

I turned around when I heard footsteps behind me. "Zoom?" I said standing up looking at the Black speedster. I wasn't afraid of him, I was comfortable.

"Violet, join me. You know your fate, you know you are not meant to help people, you where meant to ruin them like your Aunt Snow". He said "your not like the flash your better, he can't teach you what I can." 

He held out his gloved hand for me to take with no hesitation I took his hand, he was right! "All my life I've been treated like a baby. Now I can finally show them that I'm not one and that I don't need their pity."

A/N: Yay Violet has gone rogue!! I'm so proud 😭😭. Sorry for the slow updates guys I've been super busy but now school is almost over I will have all summer to write!! Also guys follow my Twitter account @barrysbulletin

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