Part 16: Boiling

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I couldn't sleep, even with Dan's calming presence surrounding me, so I pretended to be asleep while he was holding me. Holy shit had that just happened? Did we just kiss? What did he dream about?

It felt like my heart was on fire and my blood was boiling. Dan was breathing steadily into my hair, signalising he'd fallen asleep.
I was alone with my thoughts.

What does this mean? What does it make us? Why had he screamed my name in his sleep?
He'd taken the first initiative, did he for some reason fancy me?

Don't be ridiculous, nobody fancy you.
My heart sank. Not you again.
Do you honestly think this boy likes you?
Giving the circumstances, yeah.
He's just using you for his own pleasure.
Dan wouldn't do that, he's not like the others.
What do you know? You met him only a few weeks ago.
True, but we'd grown quite close I'd say.
His fans would hate you, and break you two apart.
Would they?

I finally fell asleep with my own thoughts as my soundtrack, even though I tried my best to block them out. The last thing I remembered before dreams washed over me, was the familiar pain of something, an arm, pressing against my recent cuts on my hips. I winced slightly, but didn't do anything about it.

Phil's pov
I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside my windows. Okay no, I didn't. I woke up to the sound of the London morning traffic, signalising the start of a new day.

I'd promised my followers on twitter a new video today, the only problem that I hadn't got one ready for them, so I got dressed and headed for our lounge. A note besides my plant caught my attention, and I quickly walked over and picked it up.

I went down to Leahs, hopefully I'll be back before you read this.
Don't worry though, I don't think it's too serious...


Oh okay then. I hoped for the best. Dan was my best friend and I wanted him all the best in the world, and apparently Leah was the best for him right now.

With the thought of him being gone I took myself the liberty of pouring myself a bowl of his favourite cereal, well knowing he couldn't stop me. I found my vlogging camera and pressed record.

"Hi guys! I just woke up and it's," I stopped to check the clock. "apparently 07:23am here in London. Dan spent the night somewhere I'd rather not say, it's not my business to talk about, so I poured myself a bowl of his cereal!" I gasped theatrically, and kept on talking about a loads of nonsense. About my most recent YouNow, our BBC1 radio show and about my experience on the bus yesterday when a stranger tried to sell me his chicken.

Before I knew it, I ran out of things to talk about so I turned the camera off for now, and cuddled myself up on the couch with adventure time, wondering when Dan would return.

Being the oldest of us, you'd think that I was the most responsible, but that wasn't completely true. Without Dan I'd be completely lost and lonely. And not to mention I'd be unhappy probably all the time.

Dan's pov
I tried to lift my arms to rub my eyes, but something was in my way. I looked down only to find a sleeping girl in my arms. The memories of the previous night rushed on, and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Smooth, Dan.. Really smooth.
Which lady would be turned on by a guy who wakes up from a nightmare only to sexually violate her? It was only a kiss, but felt like so much more.

I wasn't the one to waste opportunities, so I just pulled Leah a bit closer and tried to fall back asleep.

Yeah, I know it's super short, but I do whatever I want

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