Part 32: Confession

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(a/n) just a quick one:

I've chosen WILD as the media for this because it kinda resembles how Leah is crying into Troyes embrace as he tries to comfort her, but also the childhood Dan and Leah could have had together. Yeah, I know the song is about a gay relationship, but please look away from that and focus on the song.

Dan's pov

I instantly knew it was a pretty bad idea to separate myself from Leah as Tyler locked the door behind us. I didn't exactly care about the smug expression on his and Zoe's face, because my thoughts were somewhere else. It was pretty damn clear that I could barely be separated from Leah for a few minutes without her occupying every corner of my mind. I just hope to God that she will be okay with Troye.

"Spill the beans, Howell. And do it fast," Zoe exclaimed, practically jumping up and down like an excited school girl. I decided to make it hard for them, giving the fact that there were absolutely no reason for me to share my private life with them.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, obviously lying through my teeth.

"That's bullshit, and we all know it," Tyler shot in, placing himself comfortably on the bed he shared with Troye.

"Fine!" I said thought my gritted teeth. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything!" Zoe shouted so that the people over in Canada probably would have a pretty fair chance of hearing. "How did you guys meet? Do you like her? Does she like you? Have you kissed yet? What will you name your children? Dibs on being the bridesmaid!"

"Whoa, calm down there Zo," I said, taking a step back. "No one's mentioned anything about marriage and kids." Even though the thought made me smile a little bit. Would I ever get a shot of a future with Leah?

"But you want it, right?" Zoe kept on digging. "Dan, your smiling and blushing like an idiot. You never blush."

She was right though. I used to think I'd never develop feelings for anyone before I accidentally spilled coffee all over Leah.

"Fine, sit down and be quiet," I instructed them both. "Or else I won't say anything. And you have to swear on your mum's lives that you won't speak of this to a living soul. Not even Troye or Alfie."

They both nodded in consent, but I knew better. They would definitely run off and tell Troye and Alfie, but a part of me didn't care. I wanted to shout from the rooftops and write it in the skyline that Leah was mine, even when I knew she wasn't.

"She lives in the apartment above mine and Phil's," I started. "I accidentally spilled coffee all over her, or else I wouldn't have noticed her. She's this vibrant personality who's developed a special talent for blending in when she really deserves all the spotlight in the world. Leah is so socially akward, smart, funny and beautiful, and I don't know how to even continue describing her, because all the words in the world aren't enough.

"She struggles a lot in life, but that only makes me care even more for her. Both of her parents and little brother have passed away, and I like to think that I'm all she got. I know you all probably wonder why she hasn't spoken, but I can't answer that. Leah got in a coma right after Christmas, and have not spoken ever since.

"Leah is the kind of girl that could get all the guys in the world, but somehow she doesn't believe that, and for some reason she has decided to trust me. I'm in love with her smile and her laugh. The way her eyes light up when I say something stupid, and the way she's generally kind to whomever she meets. She is oblivious to her beauty, and I know I probably sound like some lovesick fool, but that's only because I am."

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