Part 30: Welcome

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Dan's pov
"Tyler!" I said, taking the two steps needed to get close to him. "How are you?" Probably surprising him a little, I lashed out my arms and embraced him.

"Whoa, someone's thirsty," Tyler laughed with his signature cackle. "You look good Dan, and Phil too!" he let go of me and walked over to Phil to hug him too. "How is my favourite British OTP?"
"Ty, it's not gonna happen," I laughed, taking a better grip on my suitcase.

For some reason, I kind of had missed Tyler. I liked his personality and his dirty jokes. Fans had often pointed out that they thought he were the American version of me. Honestly, there were worse people to be compared against.

"Who's this?" I looked over to find Tyler staring at Leah. She looked utterly terrified, and I could practically see how uncomfortable she was.
"Tyler this is Leah, Leah Tyler," I quickly introduced them, whilst doing the hand-motion thing that follows.
"Hi, I'm Tyler," Tyler said, stretching out his hand. Leah hesitated before she nervously took it and nodded shortly. She didn't say anything, and I felt grateful towards Tyler for not mention that.

"Well, come on then guys. I got Zoe to distract the fangirls and she'll meet us outside by my car. For some reason she insisted on joining picking you guys up, even though you're from the same country," Tyler babbled, walking towards the exit with the rest of us a few steps behind. "I mean, I don't get why you just didn't book the same flight or something. Anyway, almost everyone is here already, and we've picked out a restaurant, I hope you don't mind. What do you think we should do afterwards? I can't drink too much, I've got a panel to attend to tomorrow."

The whole way to the car, Tyler kept vomiting words like crazy, holding us up to date with everyone and everything. Phil had his camera out, filming everything on our way. Leah looked extremely nervous, and kept her eyes locked at the ground, so I reached out and grabbed her hand in what I thought would be a comforting gesture.

I froze when we arrived at Tyler's car.
You've got to be kidding me!
From the passenger seat, a petite girl with a wicked grin jumped out.

"Hey Zoe!" Phil said, skipping over to hug her. She returned the hug, but kept her eyes on me.

"Hi Dan, how was the flight?" She asked, letting go of Phil who turned around to stuff his suitcase in the trunk. He came back and grabbed Leah and mine as well.

"It was okay," I said just as Leah tried to let go of my hand. I held hers only tighter. "Zoe, meet Leah."
I sighed, knowing this was the reason she'd actually tagged along with Tyler.
Zoe beamed back at me.
"Hi Leah, I've heard so much about you," She said, surprisingly wrapping her arms around Leah. Not surprisingly, Leah froze completely, searching for my eyes with her. She looked completely terrified. Zoe pretended not to notice as she carefully let Leah go, only to grab her hand.
"Come on, you can sit next to me,"

The ride to the hotel was fairly akward, and I could sense Leah's uncomfortness from where she was squeezed between me and Zoe in the backseat. Phil rode shotgun.

"So how do you know Dan?" Zoe asked Leah.
She didn't answer.
"Are you a YouTuber yourself?"
Leah shook her head.
"Are you and Dan dating?"
"Zoe, just stop," I said. "You're making everyone uncomfortable."
"I'm just trying to make friends!" She said with a fake, offended frown.

I felt my phone buzzing, and dug it out from my pocket.

*From: Zoeee
She doesn't talk much, does she?*

I rolled my eyes. It's so typical of Zoe to try to get inside information on all the gossip within the YouTube community.

*To: Zoeee
Leave it be? I'll talk w/ you later, okay?*

The Best of Me (A danisnotonfire fanfic) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora