Part 28: America

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Dan's pov
"Here, you didn't eat breakfast today, or yesterday. You need food, and don't fight me today," I said, handing Leah a cereal bar as I grabbed her suitcase as a compromise. She accepted it without a word and started to nibble on a corner as Phil locked the apartment door behind us.

"You got everything, Dan? Passport? Visa? Money? Insurance card? Camera?" Phil nagged on as we all stood in the lift. I nodded and groaned.
"Yes, mom. I even got this fancy-ass binder to keep it all in," I said, waving my binder in front of his face. Phil laughed and turned off the camera.
"I can't believe it, we're travelling to America!" Phil exclaimed with a giggle, even Leah smiled the tiniest bit.
"I know. I love meeting fans and our youtuber friends," I sighed, not knowing what was coming.

The drive to Gatwick wasn't that bad, as the three of us sat in silence. As an icebreaker, I were playing with the strings attached to my hoodie, currently worn by Leah.

The airport was a whole different story. Apparently a fan had found out which flight we were supposed to take, so we were overwhelmed by screaming fangirls. At some point in the process, Leah had slipped past my fingers and disappeared in the crowd. There were cameras everywhere, so I tried to fake calmness.

"Where's Lee? Did you see where she went?" I whispered into Phil's ears, ignoring the screams. All I really wanted was to check in our luggage and get on the aeroplane so we could get some peace and quiet for a couple of hours.
"I think she went into the ladies room," Phil replied, just as quiet. In fact, it was barely audible.

"Dan, why is your suitcase pink?" a girl with blonde hair and a Dan and Phil t-shirt asked me. Damn, I'd totally forgot how off it must look.
"I don't believe in gender coordinated colours," I replied, trying to deal with the lady at the check in at the same time.

After Phil and I had taken a dozens of photos and signed autographs, the crowd started to slowly dissolve.
"Will you manage?" I asked Phil, with Leah still on my worried mind.
"Sure, I'll meet you guys on the inside, just text me or something," he replied, distracting the crowd as I actually managed to sneak away, running towards the nearest ladies room.

"Excuse me?" a woman asked as I opened the door and entered. I basically ignored her as I let my eyes sweep across the room, brightly illuminated by fluorescent lights.
"Has any of the stalls been occupied for a longer period of time?" I asked the lady, completely ignoring the fact that I basically made a fool out of myself.
"Well now that you mention it, that one," She said, pointing towards the one closest to the wall.

"Thank you," I said, quickly walking over and knocking softly on the door. I knew it was a long shot, but for Leah I were willing to do anything.
"Lee?" I said softly. "Are you in there?"
The person inside did not reply, so I assumed it was safe to continue.
"They are gone now, I'm so sorry Lee, I wasn't aware they would make such fuss out of it. Can you please come out?"

Still no answer.
"I just need to know if you're okay, or at least if I'm talking to the right person. You're the only one who could make me stand in the ladies room, begging for you to open the door," I said with a laugh.

I let out a huge breath I wasn't aware I'd been holding, as the person inside turned the lock around and opened the door.
"Thank god," I said, wrapping my arms around Leah's frozen and fragile body. Looking at her face, I noticed the redness in her eyes and the trails of tears scattered on her cheeks.
"Are you okay?" I asked again, determined to get an answer.

I relaxed visibly as she nodded against my chest. She could be faking it for my sake, but at least Leah was back in my arms again.
"Are you ready to go outside?" I whispered, tucking some flyaways behind her ear.
Leah nodded again, and as I opened the door for her I could hear the lady from earlier saying something to me:

The Best of Me (A danisnotonfire fanfic) ✅Where stories live. Discover now