Part 37: Floating

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"You do realize that you have to talk to me eventually?" Dan said as he gave me another one of his weird looks. Honestly, Dan, could you knock it off? It is not even ten am and I had a massive hangover and headache. He didn't exactly make it better. I screwed my eyes shut to try to block out the pulsating feeling of my own blood rushing through my ears.

"No," I said stubbornly as I turned away from him and stared bluntly out of the window next to my single bed.

"What's wrong?" He instantly asked. Why was he always so caring when I tried to be mad at him?
"Nothing, I've got a headache and I want to go home," How immature he must think I am... I sighed again.

Dan scuffled around in the small room before we walked over and tapped me on the shoulder.
"Here," He said, handing me a glass of water and two pills. I gratefully accepted them without a word. I didn't even feel rude for not saying anything, because what he said last night really did hurt me. Without even looking at him, I swallowed the pills with a sip of water.

"Lee, I know you probably won't listen to me anyway, but I'm really sorry and you have no idea how bad I feel for saying what I did," Dan began, but I interrupted him.

"Then why did you say it?"

"I don't know! I'm just so confused and scared. I don't want any potential relationship to be hurried by the peer pressure from my friends, and especially not from my fans." He said, putting his hands up to cover his whole beautiful face. "I've never had a real girlfriend, or boyfriend for that matter. Lee, I've never felt like this before, it feels so good but yet so hurtful at the same time. I'm only twenty-four, what do I know of love? I didn't mean a single word of that"

"Don't bother, it was only 'just a date' anyway," I said, mimicking his tone from yesterday.
"Stop it Lee," Dan said. "I'm trying to make it up to you here, what about movie and pizza tonight? I'll even let you chose the film..."

"Wow, now I'm really hurt," I said dramatically, pretending like I was about to cry.
"Wait what?"
"You don't even remember it? Your Christmas present Dan, that's tonight," I said, watching as the lightbulb went off over his head.

"Shit! The Muse concert is tonight? How did I ever forget that?" Dan jumped up from my mattress, looking like he'd just seen a ghost. "I need to remind Phil."

I watched in amusement as he held his conversation with Phil through the cell phone. Phil had left us alone for the benefit of filming a collaboration with Tyler and Marcus. Dan's face always lit up when he spoke to or about Phil, and I loved it. The only downside is that I felt lonely, because I had never experienced a best-friendship like that.

"It's set, we have a panel at one pm and we're leaving for the concert at four. Why didn't you buy a ticket for yourself Leah?" Dan said. Was this his way of saying 'I wish you could be there'?

"I figured it would be something you'd have to share with Phil, and him alone," I quickly explained. "You too have been obsessing over them together for how many years now, and I will not interrupt you during those fangirl moments I know you'll have."

"That is very sweet of you, but I would still want you to come," He said with a shy little smile. "So am I forgiven?"

"I guess," I replied nonchalantly.

"Thank you Lee," Dan said, skipping over and gave me a peck on the cheek before I could react. The nerve on that boy, I tell you...

"Hey Lee?"
"What now?"
"Can I upload the video we filmed all those months ago? The Fanfiction Challenge?" Dan asked with a hopeful smile. Would I care to have my face all over the internet and exposed to the world? The initial answer would have been no, but I can't deny Dan the things he want, especially when I keep fucking things up.

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