Part 26: Mental

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Do you ever imagine what the perfect morning would be like? Waking up to the one you love with sunshine on your pillow and possibly the smell of freshly baked bread? If you're lucky, maybe they'll play your favourite song on the radio.

My morning was nothing like that; I woke up at 5am, alone in a hospital bed. Surely Dan was sleeping next to me, and Phil used the spare bed. Mainly because one of the nurses was a fan, for all that I knew. I'd been crying all night, and my eyes were burning from lack of fluids.

Right now I needed to be strong. I had to walk into that hospital with my head held high and my acting skills on point. I would pretend to recover and get the hell out of there as fast as I could, and I would grasp every opportunity to kiss asses, metaphorically of course.

Dan had spent all night whispering reassurments into my ears, telling me I had to be strong, and that it is "Only for my own good."
Hypocritically, I kind of hated him for it, but I never told him. In fact, I hadn't uttered a single word since I woke up, and for the moment I had every intention on keeping it that way.

I just laid there, wallowing in my self pity for just about two hours, before anything exciting at all happened. Thankfully, it was all in silence, except for Dan and Phil's steady breathing, because they had unhooked me from the monitor, putting on some kind of a bracelet instead. It looked odd next to the one I'd gotten from Dan.

"Mmmh," Dan moaned low before he slipped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I had nothing against it, I loved when Dan held me close, but I couldn't help but to flinch the slightest. "Why are you always awake so early?"
Naturally, I didn't respond, making him pout a bit.
"Why won't you talk to me Lee?" he asked, his voice still thick with sleep.
I shook my head. I didn't feel like replying to that.

"I miss your voice," he whispered against my neck, allowing his warm breath to wash over my skin.
I leaned over to grab the notebook on my nightstand. One Phil had been kind enough to buy me in the gift shop.

I'm sorry, I scrawled out on the paper, not necessarily caring about the marked up lines.

"Me too, I'm sorry you had to go through this. And I'm sorry about what will happen today," Dan said, nuzzling against me.

I'm scared, Dan, I wrote. My writing was messy because of my nerves. It felt like my whole body was shaking.

"Me too," he said quietly. "But whatever happens, I'll be right here. I will visit you as often as I can. You'll eventually get sick of me, I promise."

Thank you,

"Always," said Dan. (a/n SNAPE)

With Dan's arms around me, I managed to get a few extra minutes more of sleep. The next thing I knew, Dr. Pratt was standing over me with a disgusting smirk.

"Ready for your transmission?" he asked, making me cringe against Dan's embrace.
No, fuck you, I thought.

With Dan, Phil and Dr. Pratt out of the room, I got dressed in silence. Of course, with the help from a nurse, because naturally a woman in the beginning of her twenties surely can't put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie on her own.

I frowned as I stepped into the hallway, stumbling over to lean on Phil, who were the nearest person I liked in the room. Walking over to Dan would mean even more walking, and I was too exhausted for that. All my belongings I needed were in a small backpack at my feet.

Phil supported my weight as we akwardly walked down the hallway, followed by Dan who generously enough offered to take my backpack.

At the entrance we stopped and was greeted by a short woman in her fifties with dyed blond hair. She introduced herself as 'Mrs. Leevan' and told me she'd been assigned my 'case'. I only scowled at her, biting my lip to not scream out in agony.

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