Part 35: Valentine

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Dan's pov

"All I'm saying is that it certainly doesn't look like she'll be able to walk anymore," Phil said as we tried to shuffle past the giant mess of screaming fans. Leah were clinging tightly to my side, almost tripping at her own feet. I sighed.

"I know," I answered, before I leaned down and scooped my arm, that wasn't secured around her shoulder under her legs, and lifted her up. My expression fell slightly when I realized how light she was, almost feather-like.

"Lee, stay with me, okay?" I whispered down at her beautiful face as the security guards pushed through and made a narrow lane through the mass.

"I'm sorry," She whispered in a hushed voice, barely audible. My chest tightened. It was certainly not her fault that some girls had harassed her and pushed her into a full-on panic attack!

"Don't ever say that," I replied bluntly. "It was not your fault whatsoever."

"But I made you worried and you just left your meet and greet," She said, obviously feeling guilty.

"Listen up here Leah," I said as we entered the lift on the way back to our hotel room. "You are my number one priority, and it was my fault that you even attended the meet and greet. When you need me, I'll be here. Always."
"Thank you," She mumbled as she cuddled deeper into my chest. I didn't mind at all.


"What happened back there?" Troye asked softly an hour later. They had all entered our hotel room a few minutes ago to check in, which were sweet of them but at the same time also occupied me from taking care of Leah's small cuts from the broken glass.

"Some crazy fans said something and she freaked," I replied bluntly, as I wiped away some dried blood from the back of her hand as gently as I could. Luckily, she'd worn long sleeves, so there weren't that much damage.

"So why did you just leave the meet and greet? Your fans are pretty upset you know," Tyler said, talking a few steps towards a shaky ground.

"Because as I told Leah before she fell asleep here, she is my number one priority," I said, picking up some Band-Aids from the package and softly placing them over some of the deepest cuts so they wouldn't get infected. I sighed loudly. Even more scars to litter her precious skin.

"I think you made the right choice, and Connor here agrees with me," Zoe said as Connor nodded in agreement.

"I think so too," Phil added.

"Look guys, I appreciate the thought and everything, but I'm not sure if a lot of company is the thing Leah needs the most right now," I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, but knowing Leah relatively well, it was definitely not on the top of her priority list.

"Okay I get the point," Troye said as he grabbed Tylers wrist and pulled him towards the door. "Text me later, yeah?"


"I hate to break it to you, but it's kind of Edward Cullen-like the way you act now," Phil said from out of nowhere as I twisted another curl gently around my finger. "I wouldn't want somebody to stare at me while I slept."

"I don't care," I replied. "She's too beautiful to not look."


"You've got it bad, huh?"
"Yeah, I do," I answered truthfully. "But I wouldn't have it any other way either."

"Why can't you guys just make it official? It is pretty obvious to anyone that you've got the chemistry needed, and I can tell that you're head over heels anyway," Phil asked. Could I ask Leah? Would I put on too much pressure on our fragile relationship?

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