Part 38: Bloodstream

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Dan's pov

Leah's beautiful eyes started to drop as she looked up at me. It couldn't be, I refuse to believe it. My precious angel can't die, not yet! I shook her fragile frame and screamed her name to get kind of reaction at all.

"No, no, NO," I cried out. Leah's body started to shake the slightest, but I didn't think she noticed. "Leah, open your eyes, answer me please! I need you, please don't leave me! Stay with me angel, I promise you'll be okay. I love you so much!"

This cannot be happening. I watched in horror as Leah drew one shaky breath and exhaled. She didn't repeat the process.

"No! Come back to me LeeLee," I cried as I shook her shoulders. My breath hitched as I pressed my lips against her blue ones. "I can't live without you."

I could hear Zoe sob behind me, but all I could focus on right now was the horrid pain in my chest. It was my fault really, and I should have known this would happen as soon as I saw her computer on the floor. I wasn't here for my angel and now she was dying in my arms.

My hands unconsciously tightened the grip around Leah's body as I pressed it closer to mine. I refused to let go, because quite frankly: I couldn't even if I had tried. Tears were flowing freely down my face as I kissed the top of her head repeatedly.

"I can't live without you," I chocked. The realisation dawned in front of my eyes: The love of my life had committed suicide, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

There were pills scattered all over the floor where Leah had dropped them. My hand scooped up a few and I lifted it to my mouth. Before I could open my mouth, I felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around me.

"Let go!" I cried as I struggled against the embrace. The only arms I wanted around me was Leah's.

"Don't do this Dan, the paramedics are here," Phil whispered into my ear. "It's not over yet, so please stay strong for Leah." His whole face was swollen like he'd been crying too. In fact, all of the faces behind me were in the same state. Then the paramedics appeared.

"Sir, I have to ask you to step back," One of them said calmly, but I only embraced Leah tighter.

"Please Dan, they will save her," Connor chocked out from somewhere behind me. Shakely I let go of Leah and watched as the strapped on an oxygen mask over her beautiful face. I was vaguely aware that Phil held a hushed conversation with one of the paramedics.

"You need to come with us too, Sir," They snapped their fingers in front of my face to obtain contact.

"Why," I chocked out, aware that I would have gone with them anyway because I couldn't stand being away from Leah. But why would they possibly ask me?

"Your friend here told us you tried to swallow the pills," I watched as the wheeled Leah away on a slap. My feet wouldn't obey my orders to rise, so I grabbed Phil's hand to pull myself up. "So we need to put you on suicide watch and do a routine check-up."

I nodded silently and followed them past my friends, who had shock and pain written all over their faces. I kept my eyes at my feet to avoid meeting their glances. Surely, they would judge me for this and never let me forget it. I had literally attempted suicide because the thought of living without Leah was too painful for me to handle.

The drive to the hospital was nothing but sickening. Silent tears escaped from my eyes, as well as occasional sobs. The nurses screamed things at each other as they tried to bring life to Leah. What if they couldn't? The thought became too much for me to handle, so I looked away as I rubbed soothing circles on Leah's cold hand. Thankfully, her heart seemed to be beating. Irregular and weak, but still beating. There was still some hope left for my precious angel.

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