Chapter 9: I hate you and Rainbowcord

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Discord returned to the school running. Soccer practice for Rainbow Dash had just barely ended. Rainbow waited for Discord by the exit gate of the soccer field.

She had her backpack on her left shoulder, her guitar slung over her back, and on her right shoulder she held her sports bag where she kept her soccer uniform and her soccer ball.

Rainbow gave Discord a scowl. Discord took notice of the cold look she was giving him.

"Eh?" Said Discord. "Hello? Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow kept giving Discord a cold hard glare.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" She asked him. "I really don't see why we have to spend time with you, but it doesn't matter because it's the Principal's order's."

Discord was getting annoyed by her attitude.

"You know what?" Said Discord really tired and frustrated. "Forget it! I don't have to put up with this."

Discord turned around and began to walk away, Rainbow saw how fast he was walking.

"Wait, Discord." Said Rainbow hurrying to catch up with him. "You could at least tell me how did you do that?"

Discord turned around and looked at Rainbow confused.

"What did I do?" Asked Discord.

"The other day, how were you able to run so fast? How did you jump out of a third story window without hurting yourself? Or how did you manage to evade the security guards and two football teams at the same time?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Discord looked at Rainbow as what she just asked was unimportant.

"It's no trick." Said Discord. "That is just my physical condition. I've always been able to do things like that."

"It can't be that." Responded Rainbow crossly. "That's impossible because I'm the best athlete in all of Equestria and even I can't do that."

Discord smiled maliciously.

"Ha!" Said Discord, smirking. "That just means that in reality I'm the best athlete in the world."

Rainbow was getting mad. She wasn't about to let anyone be better than her at athletics especially, this horrible man.

"You know what?" Responded Rainbow furiously. "I Challenge you!"

Discord raised his right brow.

"You and me!" Said Rainbow confidently. "Whoever gets to the park first wins."

At that Discord smiled widely.

"And if I win" Said Discord. "You will show me how to utilize that instrument of many strings that you have on you."

"The guitar?" Asked Rainbow a bit confused.

"Yes, the guitar!" Said Discord. "I would like for you to teach me how to utilize the guitar."

"It's a deal." Said Rainbow enthusistically. "And if I win, you'll get to be my personal servant."

"Ha!" Said Discord giving a dry laugh. "It's a deal!"

Discord quickly removed Rainbow's backpack, her guitar and her sports bag and put them on.

"I'm giving you an advantage." Said Discord, smiling confidently.

Rainbow smiled and prepared herself. They lined up at the edge of the street, waiting for the race to start.

"On the count of three." Said Rainbow Dash.

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