Chapter 16: Steal My Soul But Don't Leave Me

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Discord began his daily, and tedious routine but he was tired but happy. It was finally Friday and Discord was planning on accompanying Fluttershy to her house and he wanted to ask her out while he was at it.

Discord had a few tricks up his sleeve.

During Fluttershy's history class the professor asked the students to take out their books.

Fluttershy obeyed and began to dig through her bag to take out her book. The animals that she kept hidden in her bag helped her to locate her book. After she took out the book from the bag and gently setting it down,

she put it on her desk next to her notebook. Fluttershy opened it and there, hidden on one of the pages of the book, she found a note and a red rose, without the thorns.

The note read:

"For my beautiful angel of harmony.

Love, Dizzy"

Fluttershy blushed a deep shade of red, and by surprise she accidentally knocked her notebook and pencil off her desk. Feeling emarrassed, she quickly bent over to pick them up.

Discord was discreetly peeking through the window of her classroom and he saw how Fluttershy was behaving. He realized that she must have read the note. He couldn't contain his joy and he smiled ecsatically.

Then Discord continued to clean the floor, that he was on.

As he walked down the hallways with his mop, he noticed that there was a large bulletin board full of written announcements, and school news. It was basically a mural of the school newspaper.

Discord glanced at it without giving it much thought, until he suddenly saw an article that caught his attention.

He stopped cleaning and began to read by starting with the title of the article:

New School worker beats the school's three top athletes in a soccer match.

Discord was impressed by this article and began to read more into it:

Discord, the weird boy, janitor assistant and math tutor was challenged by Rainbow Dash for a one on one soccer tournament yesterday afternoon. Discord beat Rainbow Dash easily, but his actions called over the

attention of Spitfire and Soarin who along with Rainbow, challenged Discord to a three on one match that they all lost to Discord. Remember that Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Soarin have always been our best athletes

and they are state champions yet Discord beat all them combined by himself. That boy is full of surprises.

Discord had his mouth open in surprise, one article talked about him but in a positive way.

Then on the next article there was a section of free spaces where students were free to leave comments or opinions or make a point while remaining anonymous on whatever the topic of the week was.

The topic of the week was:


Discord didn't stop being surprised, he quickly began to read the comments left by the students:

1. In my opinion, he's ugly and scary looking yet so handsome.

2. He's gray like a rock, hard like a rock, and cold like a rock. I adore rocks.

Discord raised an eyebrow but kept on reading.

3. He is the rhythm of my senses.

4. He's a threat, I've got a bad feeling about him, he could be worse that Adagio and her friends.

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