Slapping wars

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(Danny's P.O.V)
Beep beep beep beep bee-
I hit the alarm clock so hard, my hand stung. "OW!" I rolled over pulling my covers over my face and then drifting off to sleep again. "WAAKE UUUP!" I sat up so quickly I could of flew through the wall! "What the hell?" I looked up and saw Jack my brother laughing at me. He was laughing so hard he had his eyes closed so I slapped his cheek really hard. After I did that stupid move I jumped out of my bed and ran over to the door opening it and standing there looking back at Jack. He was on his knees holding his cheek. He looked up at me with pain and anger in his eyes. That face told me it was time to run, so I did. I ran for my life! I had to get outside so he could hurt me. I ran down the long hall way then I got to the stairs and realized he was getting closer. I ran down the stairs and ran to the front door. I was almost there when I heard the door bell ring. "Shit, who the hell would be-" I turned around and Jack was getting really close I just booked it to the door. I opened the door and come to find out it was Nash, Cam, Jack G, and Matt. I was panting so hard. They all just stood there staring at me... "Uh-" I looked behind me and Jack was standing a couple feet away from me. I screamed and jumped into Cams arms and dug my face into his chest. "What the hell is going on?" Asked Nash. "We'll she slapped me." "I got pissed and chased her." "Dude are you serious?" "It can't hurt that bad" said Jack G. I looked up at Jack G and slapped him on his cheek. He was shocked I could tell. He looked at me with death eyes. Nash started laughing so Jack G got pissed and mouthed slap Nash. So I did. Nash almost started crying. I looked at Cam who was still holding me and slapped him and jumped out of his arms. Then I went over to Matt and hugged him. I pulled away and smiled. I slapped him also. Then I push through him and started running down the street with 5 guys chasing me. Well this is a nice start to the morning.

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