Lazy Day...

18 2 0

Danny's POV

When everyone was done eating we decided we'd have a lazy day of watching, Netflix and eating food. So I didn't bother getting pretty. I just threw on sweats, a gray crop top, my fuzzy slipper boots, and I out my hair up in a braided pony tail.

"You look hot babe", Matt said licking his lips.

"Calm down Espinosa, if you act bad now, your not gonna get any special treats later", I say winking, which causes him to die right then and there.

Matt and I decide that we would watch Netflix with just the two of us, and let Samantha and Cameron spend a little time together, (if ya know what I mean.)

So Matt and I start to watch, "Big Hero 6", but halfway through the movie Matt complains about being hungry. So we go down stairs and figure out what we want to eat.

"Lets make brownies!" Matt say with a wide smile on his face.

"I guess we could make brownies", I say sighing.

So we get out the ingredients and start making brownies. We put eggs, butter, water, and lastly flour, and Matt being Matt, he dumped what was the rest if the flour on my head. (Which was a lot btw).

"Matthew Lee Espinosa, what the hell was that for?!" I say COVERD I'm flour.

"That was for not letting me watch Frozen", he say crossing his arms.

"Are you kidding me?" I say rolling my eyes and getting REALLY pissed off.

Apparently Matt could tell I was mad because be started kissing me.

Usually when Matt starts to kiss me it turns into a heated make out session, which it did. But then the oven beeped and interrupted our "class lesson".

"I love you my queen".

"I love you too my king".

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