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Matthews POV

I'm done with Danny, I'm never going back to her... I'm gonna go date that blonde chick named Peyton... Danny is just a slut from Nebraska.. Ugh, she makes me wanna punch the wall...

Danny's POV

I musta fell asleep, I was laying in front of my door. I sat up with a headache, which was making me dizzy. I got up and walked to the bathroom to clean up. I looked in the mirror. Looking back at me was a ugly girl, that has no friends, no life, nothing. A tear escaped my eye. I just wiped it and hopped in the shower.. I washed up. I took a 15 minute shower and got out.

I picked out a white crop top, a red, yellow and blue flannel, ripped short shorts, and white converse. I put my hair in messy bun and only put on eye liner and mascara. I don't really feel in the mood to put on a lot of make up.

I walk down stairs and grab my penny bored and walk outside... I don't really know where I'm going and I don't really care...

I start riding down the street, going past spots where Matt and I use to hang out. Tears start to form in my eyes. Ugh I can't take it anymore, heart brakes are the worst pain in the whole entire world, I just want it to be over.. I ride to a little park and find a bench and sit. I just sit there doing nothing.

I didn't realize a group of boys walking my way... Hmmmm....

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