The Big Brother and The Big Plan

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'Thank God!' Brandi thought when she heard the bell ring. It was over. One day down. Hundreds more to go.

She went straight to her locker, placed her math book and notebook inside it and headed straight out.

On her way to get her car, she saw from afar Seth Cohen talking to a blonde guy. They were laughing. She smiled, looked down, and continued the path to her car.

"I told you the club would be a success!" Seth had a big smile on.

"Seth, only 2 people showed up." Ryan chuckled.

"Have faith, little man. Better 2 people than nobody, right? And we had an awesome meeting. These 2 people will tell good stuff about our club to another 2 people, that will talk about it with another 2 people and before we know it, this is gonna be the fastest growing club in the history of Harbor High."

"Highly doubt it, but..."

"Oh, Ryan Atwood, the doubter. Have faith, man!"

"Can we drop this subject already?"

"Ok. What do you wanna talk about, then?"

"How did it go with Summer? I saw you two talking during lunch break, but then I had to go to the library and didn't see how that worked out."

"Oh, the little one is mad. Really mad."

"And you blame her?" Ryan asked.

"Actually, no." Seth was amazed by his own answer "I knew she'd be mad. I know I didn't do a good thing, but I didn't have another choice."

"Of course you had. You could and should have stayed."

"Look who's talking! I said exactly the same to you, man!" Seth exclaimed.

"Seth, you know it was completely different for me. Teresa was..."

"I know, I know. I hate this subject. Can we just forget it? We've been over this hundreds of times."

"Ok. But Summer?"

"She'll forgive me eventually. Now that she's gonna see me everyday, she'll see what she lost and she'll come running, asking for my love back."

"Yeah, right, because that sounds like Summer, alright." Ryan chuckled again.

"Ryan, Ryan... Just give her some time, just like I am doing. And believe me, she'll come crawling asking for my forgiveness." Ryan just shook his head as they entered the car.


"So, how did it go?" Alice Jackson asked as soon as her daughter stepped into the house.

"How did what go?"

"Your first day at school, of course!" she exclaimed as she cooked something in a big pot.

"It was alright."

"Made any friends?"

"No. And I don't think I ever will." Brandi took an apple out of the basket and sat on the kitchen counter, facing her mother.

"Oh, Bran, don't be so negative."

"Mom, you have no idea what the girls from that place look like. They look like they were spit out straight from the cover of Teen People or Cosmo or some other magazine just like that. And you know how much I hate those types of girls."

"It can't be that bad." Oh, Alice and her positivity.

"It is that bad. Actually, it's worst."

"But what about the boys?"

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