Dazed and Confused

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'Ok. Nothing could have been more embarrassing than last night. I was wearing my worst clothes and the most ridiculous scene happened. The problem is, I don't know exactly what happened. I was at this restaurant with Johnny getting our dinner and Seth showed up out of nowhere saying he and Summer were back together and that he thought Johnny was my boyfriend from New York who had moved in with me. I mean... How strange and confusing is that scene? I couldn't even picture it in my dreams... It was totally surreal. I mean... he was jealous? He was trying to make me jealous? What was going on there? I wanted to talk to him today, but I couldn't find him anywhere. It's lunch break already and still no sign of him. Weird.'

Brandi closed her diary and looked around the cafeteria. No sign of Seth. She sighed and placed her diary in her purse and when she was about to stand up, Ryan joined her at the table.

"Hey." he said with a big smile.

"Hey, Seth's blonde friend." Brandi also smiled. Ryan had a good vibe going on and she liked that. A lot.

"Ha ha. Funny." he kept the smile until he took a sip from his coffee "So, what are you up to?"

"Nothing. I was just writing and..."

"What were you writing?"

"Oh..." Brandi didn't wanna say she was writing in her diary. It sounded so much like 5th grade! So she lied "An essay for English."

"I see. What teacher did you get?"

"Mr. Simons."

"Oh, he's mean, isn't he?"

"I know! What's up with that?" Brandi asked.

"I have no idea. I don't know what happened to him, but he sure is miserable."

"I know. I really, really don't like him." Brandi said with an annoyed face and Ryan grinned "What?" she asked.

"Nothing." Ryan glanced away and took another sip from his drink.

"Uhm..." Brandi wanted to ask about Seth, but didn't know if she should "Have you seen Seth?"

"He didn't come in today."

"Why?" Brandi frowned.

"Food poisoning."

"Really? From the Crab Shack?"

"Yeah... I think he was lying just so he didn't have to show up here, because we eat there all the time, he loves it there, and nothing ever happened. I think he just faked it to miss classes today."

"Why would he do that?"

"Shame, maybe?" Ryan guessed.

"From what?"

"From last night."

"What about last night?"

"Brandi, he told me what a fool he made of himself in front of you and your brother."

"Oh... he did, didn't he?" Brandi bit her upper lip.

"Yep. He really tells me everything, because he just can't shut up."

"I know what you mean." she grinned "But not coming because he was ashamed of what happened last night? That doesn't make any sense."

"He didn't wanna see you right away. I bet he's in his room, making up a story about what happened last night."

"Why wouldn't he want to see me today?"

"Well, because he likes you."

"What?" Brandi frowned.

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