She Who Had A Long Day

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I was in the kitchen long enough for Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green to dismiss all the other guys and join me and Silas. I could tell by the looks on their faces that they thought at the moment I was fragile and easily broken. It was true I felt fragile and I thought it was going to feel until I went home.

I hadn't imagined Kota walking away would hurt as much as it had especially since he wasn't truly mine, but I guess I had become very much invested in the characters of the story.

Eventually Silas led me over to the table. I sat in his lap while he held me tightly. One look at Mr. Blackbourne's face and I knew he wanted answers. I guess he wanted to know how much damage control was necessary, but he was too much of a gentlemen to ask at the current moment. I appreciated the effort, but it was unnecessary. I would tell him what he wanted to know.

"I told him most of it. He didn't take it well." It was a statement of the obvious, but for verification purposes it needed to be said. "He wanted to know which of you I had already fallen for." I felt Silas stiffen beneath me and I knew that I should probably send him away. In was in those moments that Nathan joined us. It was probable that he was locking up after the other guys or that he was talking to them about everything that had occurred that day.

"I told him."

"Told who what?" Nathan inquired but I ignored him because I knew my already bad day would get even worse if I told Nathan who I personally adored out of all of them. I didn't want to ruin Sang's life. I wanted to make it better. But I couldn't walk a mile in her shoes because they didn't fit my foot. The question was did I keep walking or did I find a new pair?

I could tell that Dr. Green had a question, but it was obvious that he didn't want to ask it in front of Silas and Nathan. I shook my head slightly in a negative motion hoping he could tell I wanted him to hold that question for a later time.

I felt tears spring from my eyes and I reached up to wipe them away. Mr. Blackbourne produced a handkerchief and I blotted my eyes with it trying to stem the tide.

"It really hasn't been a good day." I said. "I just want to go to sleep."

Nathan reached out and offered his hand to me and I took it, but I also grabbed Silas' hand hoping he would stay with me. Silas squeezed my hand slightly and a small bit of the tension I felt eased. I looked at Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne and said a soft, "Good night." And prayed they didn't call me back with more questions.

I thereafter allowed Nathan to lead me back to the bedroom where I collapsed and slept snuggled between Nathan and Silas.

My sleep was fitful.

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