She Who Was Contrary

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I was stunned. Being believed hadn't even been on my radar. I was certain that I would have to keep pretending to be Sang until I found my way home. It would have been difficult, possibly even impossible.

I felt tears spring to my eyes and wiped them away quickly.

"What do you mean she isn't Sang?" Gabriel asked and I glanced at him. "How can she not be Sang? Is she like a twin sister or something?" I glanced at Victor and could tell he was wondering the same thing.

I sighed. "Maybe we should wait for Silas so that I only have to explain once."

"And will you be telling us everything?" Mr. Blackbourne inquired. I thought about that for a second. I couldn't tell them that their life story was a part of my favorite book series. I didn't think it would go over well and I couldn't make another Kota sized mistake.

I shook my head. "I think its best that I don't. But I have to know...I agreed with you when I said I had multiple personalities. I don't remember saying otherwise. So how did you...?"

"I suspected initially that something was different Miss Sorenson. Your body language was altered. Even how you speak is slightly different."

"But all those could be signs of a different personality," I argued.

"Indeed, but you must also factor in the eye condition."

"There are eye diseases that could affect my eyes."

"True, but you yourself said that your eye color changes depending on your feelings for each of us. I've never heard a medical condition like that. Last night I had a little extra time." Mr. Blackbourne glanced at Sean and then back at me. "I decided to research it and couldn't find any disease like it."

"I could be the first. After all, diseases always start somewhere."

I didn't know why I was arguing against being believed, but it didn't go unnoticed.

"You really aren't Sang." I glanced up at the voice noticing that Silas had joined us. My gaze then moved to Dr. Green who was staring at me with wonder. I peered next at Victor and Gabriel, who remained oddly quiet. I briefly debated arguing further but gave up the game.

"I'm not."

"But what happened to Sang?" I heard the alarm in Gabriel's voice and I immediately sought to appease him.

"She's here." I tapped my head, "But she won't come out to play—at least not right now."

"But—" Gabriel would have continued his inquisition but Mr. Blackbourne forestalled him by saying, "One subject at a time Mr. Coleman. I think the most important question at this time is why Miss Sorenson felt the need for you to be here in the first place."

I sighed. "I can only guess about this, but I would say that she's afraid."

Victor said softly, "Afraid of what?"

"Of losing you all. And I think she made a big mistake by counting on me to help her because Kota is gone."

Dr. Green reached out and took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Kota needs some time to think. Don't count him out yet."

He released my hand when I nodded slowly. I turned back to Mr. Blackbourne and asked, "So now that you know, what's next?"

"Now that we all are here Miss Sorenson, you'll explain how you came to inhabit our Miss Sorenson's body."

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