She Who Had A Close Call

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A/N:  Tomorrow is November 1st which marks the beginning of Nanowrimo.  I participate every year, but have thus far yet to meet the 50k goal.  This year I made a promise that I would.  So that means I'll be taking a month long hiatus from fanfic to work on my own stuff.  I will be back in December.  (Fanfiction is too much of an obsession of mine to let go)  So I'll see you then. --JbL

I'd like to say that the next morning I woke in better spirits, but such wasn't the case. I was comfortable, though, snuggled closely in Nathan's arms. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to start another day. But of course sleeping life away was never a possibility.

Nathan urged me to take a bath and I wondered whether or not they'd notice if I took a shower or not. Baths took too long and while I wasn't impatient to start my day I still didn't want to take a bath. I was the steaming hot shower, turn my skin red kind of girl. Still, I didn't want to worry the guys about another change in behavior so I stuck to Sang's routine.

After my bath Nathan and Silas took their turns while I started breakfast. I finished in time for the three of us to eat together, which we did in silence. It was an awkward silence as the events of the previous day loomed over our heads. I knew I needed to address it and stop staring at my plate instead of making eye contact. So, I raised my head only to find both of them staring at me. I wanted to smack my forehead because while they were really sweet guys they were also unnerving. I bit my tongue on that though because no one is perfect. If they were perfect guys then I wouldn't have been able to continue reading the series in the first place.

"I...I apologize for making a scene last night. That wasn't my intention."

"What was young intention, Sang?" I turned my attention to Nathan who looked like he had a complete understanding of everything that happened and wasn't happy with it.

"To bring us all onto the same page. Apparently, I've been several chapters behind the rest of you." I didn't bother mentioning that Kota had been in the dark too. I didn't want to talk about him just yet.

Nathan looked away and I was grateful for the reprieve. I looked at Silas. "You have a question too." And I knew what it was. "Please don't ask if you won't be able to take the answer. I can't—" I broke off hoping he'd understand that I'd rather not say aloud that I couldn't lose him too.

"Aggele, tell me."

Something about the way his eyes begged me for the answers made me want to relent. I didn't understand this new appeal of Silas to me, but I recognized the signs. I was falling for him and it only took a day. I was starting to understand the appeal of Greek men. Still, I was fighting it too. I still had issues with him and I couldn't quite let those go yet.

I shook my head at his gentle demand and watched as his eyes got sad and I silently cursed myself for being the one to put that look on his face.

Thankfully, I was saved by the entrance of another one of Sang's guys.

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