Create Your Masterpiece

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In an earlier part of this story I talked about how I believe all of us as humans dig our own holes that we get stuck in from time to time and we have to find our own ways out of them. An easy and healthy way to start filling up our holes is to be inspired. As humans when we are Inspired we get the strong urge to mock or gain attention from what grabbed our attention in the first place. For example you may have never picked up a paintbrush before and always loved looking at art never imagining you would one day be painting something yourself until you seen a picture hanging in your friend's wall or at a new piece of work at a museum or at a random place like a flea market where you see a beautiful picture someone else considered to be junk. Then next thing you know, BAM you have a Easel, acrylic paints ranging in all kinds of colors poured out in front of you and brush poised to capture the sunset on paper. It doesn't matter if no one else was Inspired or where you find Inspiration at, all it takes is that little thought could I do that? The answer is always yes if you never give up and always look at mistakes as the building blocks to learning. Also while our first Intention is most often to mock what our Inspirator did we often turn our Inspiration into our own thing and in turn possibly Inspiring someone else in the process. That is one of the most beautiful magics of life that what we start out doing solely for our own enjoyment boomerangs off others creating a bonding experience that all started from a thought that Inspired us to try something new.

Finding Inspiration can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. If your mind is more closed off and you are taught that "someone like you can't possibly do that" then your mind won't let you be inspired. If you start thinking to yourself I have no limits to what I can do now- what is it that I want to do? You will start to find Inspiration comes to you even when you're not consciously awake, some of the best Inspirations can come in the form of sleeping dreams. How many times did you lie to yourself today? I use to lie to myself plenty of times throughout the years and the biggest lie of them all was I told myself I was being honest and realistic. I really thought I was being truthful and having a healthy attitude by keeping myself safe by abandoning my "wild dreams". Afraid to even speak them out loud because goodness what If people laughed at me, thought I was weird, or worse than all that actually encouraged me and I failed! Just because I wanted to do it doesn't mean I could or I should do it I thought to myself back then so I kept quiet and forgot all those younger dreams I had. I am proud to say It has been a long time before I told myself or anyone else I can't do that. I might not always succeed the first time I try but I keep trying and have accomplished more in these last eight years starting at age thirty than I ever did when I was even in high school. For example writing this today was something my teenage self would never do. If my teacher in high school asked us to write a story about our lives I would have made up a character or just wrote a shell of who I was on the outside never going inside of myself like now but here I am fully deep down inside my being sharing my soul with you dear reader whom I may know or not and I do it without fear because I felt inspired to do so. My mind was open I had the desire to try something I never had done before.

So if you are trying to get healthy and feel inspired by someone or something whether it's big or small and you have that wondering thoughtful desire, can I do that? The answer is yes! Never done Yoga before and want to try it ? Do It! See an ad for a marathon happening in six months and get the urge to train for it but don't have a pair of sneakers? Save up money and buy them or ask someone to loan you the money if you don't have enough and when you run the race make sure you send them a nice thank you note. Never be too afraid to ask for help but also don't forget those who help you when you succeed. Inspiration does not have to be physical to be healthy either. Laughter is medicine for the soul most believe. It is a stress reliever for sure and when we are not as stressed we are happy and healthier humans so If you see a comedian or a friend that makes you crack up and your dream becomes standing up on stage telling a few of your own jokes, go for it! Standing up there making fun of yourself is a lot better than having people point at you making up their own jokes at your expense. I am just saying that from my point of view because I like the stares I get when I see someone was going to say something maybe a little rude about me and I beat them to it. Classic look of shock makes it even more sweeter to me and then I can just shake it off. Bad hair days of mine which happen often due to my extremely long hair with bangs that stick up in cool weather are good examples of this. Yes It is sticking up as a porcupines quill would right now, I will have to come up with something to say before my mom sees it. Smile.

Now dear reader have you been inspired today? Has a random thought or whim caught your mind's attention and you pushed it away earlier? If so maybe it's time to give it a try and if you haven't been inspired yet well maybe you will when you go to sleep tonight or the next night. Just remember it was an idea or thought that came to you, and everything happens for a reason. Next part of the story coming soon all about what I consider to be the opposite of Inspiration, wondering what that is ? check back next week to find out *wink*

*Smile Time* Thomas Edison The man with over two thousand inventions patented under his name mostly dealing with electricity no doubt had an open mind to Inspiration and look at how it affected the world then and still now today. He invented among other things the electric lamp. I find it very fitting his brilliant mind is what now gives us light in the dark most nights, but I do also love candles which most my friends know. Often I wonder if a candle inspired him to learn about electricity, I don't know the answer but I sure think it would be cool if it did. Here is my fav quote because he admits he made mistakes but he never failed. Exactly the same way I feel. Have a great day everyone.

"I haven't failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." ~Thomas Edison

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