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Challenges we all face them everyday, we know they are coming as we open our eyes, sometimes we dream about them, worrying about impending challenges of the future, other challenges seem to come out of nowhere and hit us right between the eyes or stab our hearts. 

Ways to Deal With Challenges, Strategies I Have Either Seen Done or Tried Doing Myself  ......

*note* if you have read the part of my story "No Second Tuesdays This Week" I had a small ( smile) paragraph suggesting writing down goals, when or If I write down my goals I never write a date by which I wish to accomplish them... here is why ...↓ I only write and sparingly at that what I am striving for, life goals not goals for the week or month. 

Plan for success -  I come from a family of planners. My peeps start planning for  the next Christmas celebration on Dec. 27... really they do. The time of when It will start, the food that will be served, the amount each one will spend on another... but not me. I am a procrastinator as I have said in early chapters. I am not sure why but I never get the urge to plan ahead for anything, I like not knowing what I am going to thrills me. For Instance I did not plan what I am writing right now, I just write and go with my thoughts very seldom editing, not into writing plot lines or outlines that feels cramped to me and I want to be free as possible in everything I'm working on. However it is a challenge to just write with no net or safety blanket to hold on to (an image of Linus from the cartoon peanuts for some reason popped into my head). So thoughts on planning and not planning in terms of health can go both ways. Meal plans, exercise plans can be useful and appropriate for the success of reaching goals, if it doesn't stress you out. My mother does not need to diet or exercise but if she did I guarantee she would stay up all night planning her year of meals and exercise amounts down to the seconds it would start. This would work for her because if she ever missed one of her meals or exercises she planned she could shake it off and it would actually encourage her to not miss the next one by all means possible, but if I missed one of my planned meals or exercise then I would be thinking about how I missed it weeks later, and I would not feel as inspired to cook or to move my body energetically with already knowing I had failed once or twice of more than that, I am always late and my success rate at meeting my plans would not be very good ha ha. What can I say, I am easily distracted. I look for Inspiration and go with my gut, my instincts. This may seem like I am not goal oriented or that I have a lazy attitude for life. Planning how to reach your goals is not the same thing as making goals, I am a firm believer we all need something to strive for but I am saying you can strive for something and go into it without a map, or racing to get there, there is great pleasure that can be found in taking small steps in a new direction of which you don't know where it will lead. Just because you may not know where you are going does not mean  you stop moving, keep walking, you don't need to know where your going only to recognize where you need to be when you get there.  I make goals and I reach some of them and I come up short of some of them...just like all the other planners in my family do as well no matter how tight they planned how things were going to go, no one reaches every goal they set whether you plan or not, however if planning helps you reach  your goal, then go for it, Plan away. Just if people say you "need" to write down schedules and such and you feel your not into it that is perfectly fine, I am in that same boat with you and I haven't fell overboard yet. 

Think Positively- If I believe in anything its that positive thoughts make for a amazing life. Waking up with an image in your head that makes you smile or laugh can put you in the mood to do great things, while worrying about things that have not happened can draw negative energy into your life actually bringing with it the things you had feared the most. Does this mean positive thoughts keep illness away, or keeps away pain, depression, anxiety or all the hurtful feelings for entering your life ? Nope, it just means you have something powerful to hold on to when those things do happen. It's like someone is holding a flashlight and bringing you out of the darkness. If you don't have a match to light a candle or if you run out of batteries for the flashlight, you will stay in the dark til the sun rises..which may be a long, long time. The positive mind will view challenges as growth and learning, at times it may not be enjoyable learning but it is necessary.  The negative mind will view challenges as setbacks and reasons to quit trying. for example, I cant do this new workout, I can't dance! vs I am not good at dancing so if I try this new workout long enough I may just learn how to dance. Before exercise my dancing was basically rocking back and forth to rhythms, now I can do some moves in my own way, for example I do The Grapevine, Cha Cha and Twist. Other things a positive mind encouraged me to try out was kickboxing which I love !! If I had went into it thinking negatively with the skill level I was at I never would have tried any of those things. I would have missed out on a lot of fun times and laughter, yes I do laugh at my reflection as I dance, its a mess sometimes, its suppose to be, its learning and whether or not I do the dance / kickboxing moves like the men and women leaders in the videos I do have as much fun, that's kind of the whole point I think, have fun and keep moving.  

Ignore The Challenges- You may of heard of the saying "Ignorance Is Bliss" hate to break it to you but I have never ever felt bliss from my Ignorance. You can't ignore problems to get them to go away, it just makes them last longer. Problems and Challenges are going to be in your mind or body until you deal with them. You have to deal with them sooner or later so why not now?? now is the perfect time, takes no planning to start thinking positively and start taking small steps towards a new goal of your choosing. If some challenge has been weighing you down, stand up and face it, tell it you are not gonna back down, set a goal and take your time enjoying every moment it takes you to overcome it. You will be stronger, happier and more healthier than if you ignore it.  

well I woke up with the goal of writing a new part of my story with you all and sat down typing and this is what happened, unplanned and unedited. Yes you will find errors probably if you look for them and I am still growing as a learning human so in twenty years from now I may become a time planner and date planner like my peeps but for now unplanned steps toward my goal works for me and It can for you to, embrace life and live it the way you were meant to, do what feels good and healthy to you :) peace and love til next time. 

*smile time* comes from a cartoon clip I seen from wordpress this morning. Have a Great Day Everyone. ♥

"to err is human really mess up we've got to do some planning" 

Fat & Healthy ( How I Survived Shaming and Learned To Love My Body Again)Where stories live. Discover now