Burning Up The Trash (New Poem)

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So I stand up this time, not looking down,
Staring Straight Into Your Eyes.
The past words of your tongue fists,
Hurting Me Between The Breasts.
Ugly, Stupid, Gross, Fat, Loser, Wimp, Worthless, Unlovable,
Each lashing of hate marked me up like a branded piece of meat,
the kind of meat that's infected with disease,
not fit for anything but the trash bag marked hazardous materials.

I wait, for it to come, long time, then it starts...
no tears in my eyes, the river dried up from the cut up,
pieces I roasted out of me, like cooking stews,
marinating the raw til it becomes tasty.

So I remain standing, not hitting my knees to the floor,
Staring Straight Into Your Eyes,
Say Out Loud, To My Reflection In The Mirror,
No I'm Not, I'm My Mother's Child, My Father's Daughter,
come from a long line of brave ancestors who not asked for,
Worth, Love, and Freedom...but Demanded it,
The Same Do I, Before You,
The New Me, Respect and Love Shine Freely,
Smiling, I Put All The Hate Words In The Trash Bag,
Tie It With A Stiff Knot, and Burn It Up,
That's what you do to hazardous materials,
So It Can't Make You Sick.

Fat & Healthy ( How I Survived Shaming and Learned To Love My Body Again)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz