Part 16-Beware Of Anything "Free"

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I want to take time out to speak about my experience with sugar substitutes in this part of the story. I am no doctor and I am not sure of anything all I can tell you is what I experienced, If you are using Sugar Substitutes and you feel good and happy, it keeps your sugar down by all means continue. Our bodies are made differently, each and everyone of us, that is why when we have issues its so hard to treat, its like trying to make a glove to fit a person when you only have the pattern for animals... a paw or hoof pattern won't work for a human hand, that is just common sense. We all have to find our own patterns that fit.

The first time I used a sugar substitute it was not because I wanted to lose weight, it was because I was not about to live my whole life without some sweet things a certain time of the month, you know the womanly thing that us girls squirm over and get an attitude of some sort when we talk about it? Especially with boys in the room who are as awkward as we are thinking about it and in my family the boys get afraid when the subject is brought up, not walking but jogging from the room ;) Well the desire for sweets the first three days this happened to me each month overtook me and I knew I was going to have to find something when I became diabetic to curb my cravings. If cravings while you are pregnant are worse than this I am glad not to have went through that, gosh I can only imagine. So I invested in the colored packets from pink, to blue to yellow and even the supposedly natural one that is still fake ..lets just admit it, that one comes wrapped in brown. Well sugar free does not necessarily mean your sugar will go down ... It took me many, many, TOO many years to figure out it actually made my sugar go up. Fake sugar turns out to be sweeter than regular sugar, sprinkle by sprinkle. I blamed everything for my sugar going up from not exercising enough to not drinking enough water. However when I got off sugar substitutes and just ate a little bit of natural sugar, not abusing it, just using enough to make the bitter sweet, It tasted better and my health was much better. I got off my meds and my A1C Stays at the prediabetic level.

Another thing I found to be misleading for me is not only the sugar free products but the fat free products, well its sounds good but there is no real way you can eat anything and not store fat. If you don't burn up the calories some way while eating a salad whether its naked or not (As I have said I always dress my salad) you are gonna store fat. It's better just to eat til you are satisfied with natural foods that have vitamins, that is the other thing a lot of the stuff they take out of fat free products turn out to be things humans need. We need some fat. Maybe not from Ice Cream and Pizza but the goal should not be to eliminate fat, It should be to burn it off. Just my opinion. The best fats often taste wonderful, like for me again I am not a doctor, my favorite fats are Olive Oil, butter, cheese and Peanut Butter. When I eat these however more than I should and you get to know the limit, of course you know you have two choices work out longer or gain weight. That is the truth cause they are fats after all, they don't try to hide it like the "free" products. They wiggle in your face the fact hey hey I am curvy, you know it.

In closing I will say if you are struggling with diabetes and that word scares you into wanting to make some life changing decisions don't look at it with dread. It is not as bad as it seems, I have been there and my life is good with lots of yummy foods, new and old that I enjoy. I changed very little for Diabetes in fact, I did cut out most breads and gave up soda. I eat flat bread more now because again there was no way I was gonna give up Pizza ha ha. Switched to brown rice instead of white and that is about it. Plus exercise makes my sugar go down. So my advice to try is limit starches more than sugar, Exercise with what you feel would be fun to do, drink lots of water and coffee, coffee is a diuretic ( yes it raises blood pressure but if you exercise and get your heart rate up that will even out or it does for me) so something that works for me, I have cake sometimes which has flour in it sigh anyways so at parties or whatever If I eat cake I drink coffee, my sugar raises some but not much this way. One more thing most doctors will tell you to eat fruit, occasionally I eat fruit but I am not a big fan of fruit especially apples, maybe its the whole Eve thing in my mind ... back to that womanly thing I guess haha. Hope you all have a blessed day.

*smile time*

seen this Joke on google this morning

Knock Knock.

Who's there?

A Broken Pencil.

A Broken Pencil Who?

Nevermind It's Pointless. 

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