No Second Tuesdays This Week

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In the last part of the story I told you that within the next week I would tell you what I considered to be the opposite of Inspiration and well its been well over a week since I wrote that in fact it has been almost two weeks, so it's fitting that this part of my story is all about Procrastination. That lovely thing that stands in the way of happiness more often than what you think by masking itself as creating happiness by waiting to do something you know you should do now. It gets in your head whispering that now is not the right time. Then it lists reasons why its not time like maybe your tired, your afraid of rejection ( have to wait for time to bring you courage), you don't have enough time, money, research to do the job ( you cant start now until you know enough about it, whatever that might be) and it can go on and on depending on how flexible your mind is at making excuses. Let me tell you although I have mastered the flexibility of yoga finally after many, many months, I was born with a very flexible, procrastinating mind. My mom is quite the opposite but my dad is world champion at procrastination so I suppose I inherited it from him, It's all his fault *wink* yeah procrastinators never really take blame for procrastinating, there is always someone else around to blame ha ha . If I had a nickel for every time I heard an excuse from my dad telling my mom he could not do something I would be raking in the silver, that is for sure. She would ask him when he was going to do something and it was always oh I will get around to it later... the favorite word is always later or tomorrow. However its really an arrogant thought to think we are guaranteed a tomorrow or even a later, none of us know how long we have and we have to realize at some point in our lives that what we wait to do we may never get a chance to do at all. If your okay with that then there is nothing wrong with it but if that thought bothers you maybe its time to try and start changing the thoughts of your mind once again.

Here is some tips to help us procrastinators ( me included) that I have learned in the last few years.

Don't keep quiet. If you know you should do something tell everyone your going to do it. They may not care or depending on what it is may encourage you but either way more than likely if someone else knows your going to do something then you will more likely be apt to do it. Sometimes I post stuff on Facebook or tweet on Twitter exercises I am going to do before I do them just because I see that I have told people I am going to and sure enough at least 90 percent of the time I have done it and hey for a self proclaimed waiter that is a pretty good percentage rate.

Ask someone else to do it with you. If you find yourself wanting to do something that you think is boring or just plain terrible ask a buddy to do it with you or depending on what it is you may have to ask a few but don't give up, there is plenty of people out there waiting to do anything with a friend. They will do it even if they shake there heads wondering why and are you crazy? Those are the best friends and its a good way to find out who has your back and at some point in life you are going to need to know that. An example of this in a healthy way is if your looking up a new recipe ask a friend over to help you cook it and eat it, it will be a lot more fun and it may turn out to be a regular thing that you can enjoy sharing for both of you.

Write it down- Set goals and stick to them. This works least for me but my mom is a big list writer, well I writer her lists but she is always having me to write them. I guess the theory is you have no excuse of saying I forgot because its staring right at you. Also probably does not work for me cause my procrastination does not come from memory problems It comes from thinking I have better things to spend my time doing and it can wait, whatever it is. An example of this would be to say I am going to exercise for thirty minutes every morning this week. Write it down and look at it every morning, and your more likely to do it, for some people *wink*

My procrastination is not as bad as what it use to be. I do realize that some things have to be done by a certain time and a certain date. However most things I do take my time doing and those are the things that come out better than when its rushed which I will be dipping into more in the next part of the story, coming soon.

*Smile Time*

Joke: once there was a man who got in a habit of spending his money before he earned it and asking to borrow money from his co workers. One day the co workers all gathered around the man and asked him when he was going to pay them back. He truthfully and quickly told him before he left to go home that he would pay them all back the second Tuesday of next week. By the time they understood what he meant he had long been home.

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