Chapter Four

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  The following morning, Loki awoke to find that Delysia was nowhere in his chambers. The sun was just rising and Loki sighed knowing he had to get ready for his wedding. He got out of bed and before he could even walk one step towards his dresser, Thor, Fandral, and Volstagg burst into his room.

"My little brother is getting married today!" Thor boomed as he slammed the door.

"Why don't you say it a little louder? I don't think the people in Alfhiem heard you." Loki retorted.

Thor laughed as Loki rolled his eyes. He noticed the others holding their ceremonial armor and Loki sighed.

"You can change in here. I'll go in the bathroom." Loki told them.

He grabbed his own armor and the three of them began to talk and laugh.

"I don't see why Loki is so upset with this marriage." Volstagg commented.

"If I were marrying a woman such as her, I'd be all over her. I might not even wait for our wedding night to have my way with her." Fandral laughed.

Loki inhaled sharply as he splashed water on his face. The water went all over his face, chest, and even on the floor. As he looked at himself in the mirror and began to doubt himself and his decision. He looked over at his armor and bit the inside of his cheek. Thor, Volstagg, and Fandral had changed and were waiting for Loki to walk out into the bedroom. An hour had passed before Loki emerged from the bathroom in his armor. The trio all cheered Loki on as he walked out and Loki rolled his eyes.

"Are we all ready or do you need another hour?" Thor teased.

"If I were another man, I would use that hour to deliberately stall the wedding. But, since I am not that man, I don't need it, Thor." Loki told him.

Thor's closed his mouth as Fandral and Volstagg snickered at Loki's remark.

"Are the guests arriving yet?" Loki asked.

"Many have been seated and Odin awaits you to get into your place at the altar." Fandral replied.

Loki took a deep breath before nodding his head and pacing out of the room towards the throne room. There, he took his place by Odin with Thor, Fandral, and Volstagg lined up behind him. Sif was serving as Delysia's maid of honor. Loki watched as all the guests made their way to their seats and Loki caught the eyes of Varin and Knorr. They were both speaking behind their hands as their eyes occasionally glanced over at Loki. He looked down at the floor and then turned to Frigga who was adjusted his armor.

"Who put this on you? An animal?" Frigga asked.

Loki chuckled as he smiled at Frigga.

"If I am an animal, then yes, an animal put this on me." Loki replied.

"I taught you better." Frigga smirked.

"Even with this marriage I still feel that she is not safe." Loki confessed.

"I am aware of that. The other nobles and even members of the court will stop at nothing to use her for their benefits. Which is why you must do everything you can as her husband to keep her safe. Even if that means having a child to secure your bond." Frigga explained.


"You have the consummation ceremony tonight. You'll have to go through with it." Frigga told him.

"I will not force myself if she does not want it. I am not like that. I won't do it." Loki explained.

"You are a good man, Loki, but sometimes we have to do things we do not like." Frigga told Loki.

Loki sighed as Frigga finished adjusting his armor and smiled up at him. She patted his back and kissed his cheek before sitting back in the aisles.

"When is it starting?" Loki asked as he turned to look at Thor.

"In a few minutes. A maid told us the elf is running behind." Thor replied.

Loki nodded his head as he licked his lips and looked back down at the floor. Minutes later, the sound of a beating drum was heard and Loki began to panic.

"Thor, I don't think I can go through with this." Loki whispered frantically.

"Calm down brother. Everyone gets cold feet." Thor reassured him.

"I'm throwing my life away, Thor." Loki said.

"What did I tell you? Try to find some peace and happiness with this marriage. She's arriving soon. Look somewhat interested so the people don't think anything of it." Thor told him in a hushed tone.

Loki inhaled deeply and looked towards the doors as they opened and his eyes widened as his breath hitched in his throat upon seeing Delysia. She held a bouquet of flowers in her hand and when everyone stood to look at her, she stopped walking. Loki furrowed his brow as a maid whispered something in her ear. Delysia took a deep breath and continued to walk forward. Her face was covered by a veil and as she got closer to him, the more he could make out her face. When she reached the altar, she kept her head and Loki held his hand out to her. She looked at it and hesitated before placing her hand upon his. Her hand was soft against his and Loki weakly as he helped her up the steps. She handed her bouquet to Sif and turned back to face Loki. He slowly lifted the veil over her head and Loki found himself smiling brightly as he looked at Delysia. She looked beautiful, although he noticed the makeup covering her bruises. He couldn't believe the reaction he was having upon seeing her. Delysia furrowed her brow as she put her hands together and played with her fingers as Loki looked at her. He could tell she didn't like being stared at so he directed his attention towards Odin. The wedding was short and sweet and Loki found himself looking from Odin to Delysia and then back to Odin and repeating the cycle. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"Do you, Loki take..." Odin trailed off, realizing he had never learned her name.

"Delysia." Loki whispered.

" your lawfully wedded wife?" Odin finished.

"I do." Loki said.

"And do you...Delysia, take Loki to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Odin asked.

Delysia looked up at Loki and narrowed her eyes softly before looking up at Odin and nodding her head.

"I pronounce you husband and wife! You may now seal your bond with a kiss." Odin announced.

Loki stuttered and slowly leaned towards Delysia. She whimpered softly as Loki got close to her and he could see her body tense. He hesitated as he was a few inches away from her face and sighed before laying a kiss on right corner of her mouth, shielding his 'kiss' from any eyes and making it seem as though he really did kiss her. The guests all clapped and stood up as Loki took Delysia's hand and walked her down the aisle towards the reception. Varin and Knorr stood to the side as the guests followed them and walked over to a guard by the doors.

"We require a service from you." Varin spoke in a hushed tone.

"I don't do services for nobles for free." The guard told them.

Knorr slipped a money pouch in the guard's belt and smirked as he stood by Varin's side.

"Now, I am aware that Loki and his new bride will have a guard outside their doors at night given that she is to be protected at all times, yes?" Knorr asked.

"Indeed so. Prince Loki asked for them himself." The guard replied.

"What we want you to do is take the place of that guard and report back to us things you hear." Varin told him.

"Like what?" The guard asked.

"Oh, if you happen upon any conversations between them, fights, plots, or any...intimate affairs." Varin whispered.

"And what will happen if I accept?" The guard asked.

"We shall continue to repay you for your services at the end of each month. The juicier the tale, the more money you shall receive." Knorr explained.

"I'll be glad to do it then." The guard smirked.

Knorr and Varin both looked at one another before heading into the reception. Loki watched as Delysia picked at her food.

"You must eat. After what you have been through, you must be weak. I know that you are not pleased with being married to me, but you must eat." Loki told her.

Delysia nodded her head and ate the food she was served. Loki watched as she did and noticed she was holding back. He could tell she desperately wanted to devour her meal but was trying her best to appear on her best behavior.

"You don't have to hold yourself back, Delysia. Eat as you please. It won't bother me." Loki told her.

Delysia put her fork down and smiled weakly at Loki before gripping the leg by the bone and digging her teeth into it. He heard her moan softly from its taste and went back to eating his own food. Whenever someone stared at her, he glared at them, making them bow their heads and look away. Loki also noted the nobles from the council watching Delysia and him as they ate their meal. After some time, Loki and Delysia were led to the floor to have their first dance and Loki didn't know whether or not to wrap his arm around her. Delysia took his arm and wrapped around her body, forcing him closer to her. She laid her right hand on his shoulder and leaned close to him. Loki held her left hand in his right and felt himself tense up as Delysia laid her head on his chest; her head facing away from him. Loki felt content in that moment and slowly swayed with Delysia on the dance floor as everyone watched.

"Don't be afraid, Delysia. I promise you're safe here and no one will hurt you." Loki whispered.

Later that night, Loki was in his robe waiting for Delysia to arrive to his chambers. There, he was surrounded by Frigga, Odin, Thor, and other nobles, along with Varin and Knorr. Moments later, the door opened and Loki sighed as Delysia entered wearing nothing but a sheer nightgown that she held to her body with her arms crossed over her chest. She quickly paced towards the bed and got under the covers before anyone could see her body. Loki exhaled slowly as he furrowed his brow when he watched Delysia pull the covers to right below her neck and hold them there as she surveyed the room.

"We will not require anyone to watch us tonight." Loki told them.

"But it is law that you-"

"I do not care for the law. I only care for the well being of my wife. You may leave. All of you." Loki told them.

Odin nodded his head to Loki and made sure everyone exited the room before leaving himself. Knorr and Varin gave the guard a look and Varin smirked as Knorr looked his way. Loki locked the door and turned to face Delysia. She pulled the covers down to reveal her face and Loki walked to the edge of the bed.

"You didn't have to-"

"Yes, I did. I had to do that. As your husband now, it is my job to protect and care for you. I know you do not want this and neither do I. I will not force myself on you just for their amusement." Loki explained.

Delysia smiled weakly and moved over slightly as Loki got into the bed. Loki looked over at Delysia and smiled as she turned to face him, acknowledging his presence.

"Good night, Delysia." Loki whispered.

Delysia nodded her head and inhaled sharply.

"Good night...Loki." Delysia whispered back.

As she spoke his name, Loki felt a sense of accomplishment. He could see that she was opening up to him. He thought he might be able to make a friendship between them work. Delysia turned on her side and Loki looked down at her as he heard her breathing. Soon, her breaths were long and deep, signaling that she had fallen asleep. Loki sighed before softly laying down in the bed and falling asleep himself. The following morning, Varin and Knorr found the guard they spoke to and walked over to him.

"Anything?" Varin asked.

"They did not talk for long nor did anything happen. Their marriage is not consummated." The guard replied.

"Excellent. She can still be used for our plans." Knorr told Varin.

Varin slipped the guard a gold coin and the two walked towards the dining hall for breakfast. Loki awoke to find that Delysia was not in the bed. He sat up in the bed and looked around the room. As his eyes searched the room, he heard movement coming from the bathroom and sighed as he pushed the covers back and walked towards the slightly opened door.

"Delysia?" Loki asked.

He walked inside and immediately wished he hadn't. Loki quickly averted his eyes as Delysia shrieked grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her as she stepped out of the bath.

"I did not see anything. I swear." Loki told her.

Delysia huffed as she paced towards Loki and pushed him out of the bathroom. Loki stumbled forward and was about to speak when he heard the bathroom door slam shut. Loki inhaled sharply before walking towards the door and softly knocking on it.

"Delysia?" Loki asked.

"It's too late to knock now!" She exclaimed.

Loki chuckled softly, but not because of her response, but because he got her to speak.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad. Also, the door was open. I thought you were just brushing your hair or your teeth." Loki explained.

Loki stepped back as the door opened and Delysia glared at him as she held the towel to her body.

"That does not matter. You still should have knocked and not assumed anything. I deserve some respect and privacy given my status." Delysia spat at him.

Loki was about to speak once again but Delysia slammed the door once more.

"If you keep slamming that door, it will come off from the hinges." Loki retorted.

Delysia opened the door once more, all the way, so Loki could see her entire body standing up tall. She raised a brow at him and then slammed the door for the final time. Loki walked towards his closet and changed into his clothes for the day. When he walked back into the room, he found Delysia sitting in her robe at his writing desk. She quickly stood up when she turned to face him.

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved." Delysia apologized.

"You don't have to apologize. At least not to me. The door on the other hand..." Loki trailed off.

Delysia held back her laugh as she bit the inside of her cheek but her smile gave her away.

"It doesn't matter now. Your clothes have been placed in the dresser. You can change in the bathroom. If you'd like I could wait here to walk you to the dining hall or I could go myself and you can arrive after me." Loki told her.

"Do you mind waiting? I don't know my way around yet." Delysia asked.

"Oh, not at all." Loki replied.

Delysia smiled weakly before grabbing a dress out of the dresser and walking into the bathroom. She closed the door softly and Loki smirked. Minutes later, she walked back out and was all dressed up. He caught her playing with the ring on her finger, which, in turn, made him do the same.

"Care to join me for breakfast?" Loki asked.

Delysia nodded her head and Loki held his hand out to her. Delysia's eyes widened as she swallowed the lump in her throat and inhaled deeply. She walked towards him and wrapped her arm around his, causing Loki to sigh.

"You must be starving." Loki commented.

"I always am." Delysia said softly.

"The food here is divine. It will always succeed in filling a person's stomach." Loki told her.

"I hope that's true." Delysia said.

The two made their way into the dining hall and Delysia's eyes moved to look at every staring at her while Loki paid no attention to their stares. He helped Delysia into her seat and sat in his own across from Varin and Knorr.

"So, how was your wedding night, Loki?" Thor asked.

Volstagg and Fandral snickered as Loki shot Thor a glare.

"Thor." Frigga whispered angrily.

Thor's smirk faded away as he looked at his mother and nodded his head. Loki looked at Delysia and she had her head down as she twiddled her thumbs together. The food was served shortly after and Delysia licked her lips as she looked at the food. She looked up at Loki and he nodded his head. Delysia smiled weakly before digging into her food. Everyone, after her, then began to eat their breakfast and Delysia chewed her food slowly this time, savoring its taste. Loki looked up at Varin and Knorr and their glances towards Delysia did not go unnoticed by him. Loki felt his fists clench around his utensils and his nostrils flared. He did not know why he was reacting this way. After breakfast, Delysia made her way to his chambers and Loki parted ways with her by going to the training fields with Thor. But, before he did, he made sure that there were maids with Delysia in the room to keep her safe and away from anyone who sought to take her for their own personal benefits. As Loki towards the training fields, he looked down at his left hand and observed the ring, stopping in his tracks. It weighed heavily on him yet, he felt no ache on his hand from it. He sighed before looking up and continuing his trip.  

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