Chapter Ten

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Loki swallowed the lump in his throat as Thor patted his back and he and Fandral stood by his side as Delysia appeared in front of him.

"You were right." Delysia said.

"What?" Loki asked, bringing his attention back to Delysia.

"The feast. It's very lovely and magnificent. You were right." Delysia replied.

"I'm glad you've finally come around." Loki said.

"And may I add you look amazing, Delysia." Fandral commented.

"Thank you." Delysia said as she bowed her head.

Loki glared at Fandral and he and Thor bowed their heads as they took their leave.

"You are beautiful, Delysia. Almost like a...goddess." Loki told her.

Delysia giggled softly as she blushed and pushed back some loose hair behind her ear. For a few seconds, there was an awkward silence as Loki decided what to do next.

"Would you like a drink?" Loki asked.

"I've never had one." Delysia replied.

"Never?" Loki scoffed.

"My parents said I wasn't old enough and that night I was going to but...never had the chance since-"

"It's alright. I understand. Well, tonight, I would be honored to offer you your first drink." Loki told her.

Loki led Delysia over to the table and handed her a glass of wine. Delysia looked at it and swirled it around.

"You act as though you've had wine before." Loki chuckled.

"My father always swirled his glass before he ever took one sip. I don't know why but he did." Delysia explained.

Loki smiled as he watched Delysia take a sip. She licked her lips and beamed as the liquid hit her stomach.

"How is it?" Loki asked.

"Really good. It's sweet but not too sweet. It's somewhat fruit and very smooth." Delysia replied.

"Do you like it?" Loki asked.

"I don't love it but I do like it. It's something that I don't see myself living off of." Delysia answered truthfully.

"I guess now, since you have come here, I will have to remember our deal of dismissing the guard." Loki told her.

"Good. I'm glad I came out tonight. But, I don't like all the people staring at me. If it were just glances I'd feel better but, I don't like the attention." Delysia explained.

"They're admiring your beauty, not staring like the others on Vanaheim." Loki told her.

"I know that. I can't help it. Maybe I should go back." Delysia said.

"No, you should stay here. They are looking at you because your beauty cannot compare to anyone else's. And that was one hell of an entrance you made." Loki explained.

"It was." Delysia chuckled.

"Don't let them stop you from having the fun you want. They aren't important anyway." Loki told her.

Delysia looked out at the dance floor and furrowed her brow as she watched.

"Do you want to dance?" Loki asked.

"I would but I don't know the latest dance styles." Delysia replied.

"I could show you if you'd, um, you to." Loki suggested.

"Would you?" Delysia asked as her eyes lit up.

"Of course. Come, you'll love it." Loki replied.

Delysia put her glass down and laughed as Loki took her hand led her onto the dance floor. Loki wrapped his arm around her and Delysia inhaled sharply as he pulled her to him. She watched as his fingertips brushed down her arm to take her hand in his. Her eyes then glanced up at into Loki's eyes and he smiled. She laid her free hand on his shoulder and Delysia gasped as Loki pulled her to him once more.

"You've never danced face to face?" Loki asked.

"No, side by side." Delysia replied.

"How long ago were you...never mind. That doesn't matter anymore. Just follow my steps and keep your eyes on me at all times." Loki told her.

Delysia nodded her head and soon the two were moving with the other couples on the floor. Delysia looked down at the floor and Loki tsked, causing her to look back at him.

"You'll get dizzy if you don't look at me." Loki said.

"Sorry." Delysia sighed.

"It's alright." Loki smiled.

As the dance carried on, Delysia became accustomed to the dance, she smiled brightly as she looked up at Loki. He smiled back down at her and his eyes lit up, knowing that Delysia was enjoying herself.

"I can't believe I missed all the other nights." Delysia chuckled.

"Me either." Loki said.

As the dance ended, Loki spun Delysia around so she was at his side. He smiled brightly as he raised her hand. Delysia looked around her and noticed everyone looking at the two as they stood in the center of the dance floor. She looked up at Loki and sighed. As she looked at him, she thought he looked regal standing up straight. He then turned himself to face Delysia and led her off the dance floor.

"How was that?" Loki asked.

"Amazing." Delysia replied.

"And I didn't step on your feet?" Loki inquired.

Delysia giggled as she shook her head.

"You were an exceptional dancer. Even better than my brother and he was known throughout Vanaheim as the best dancer in all the realms." Delysia told him.

"Thank you for that compliment." Loki said.

Moments later, everyone was seated at their tables. Fandral, Thor, and Volstagg were seated across from Delysia and Loki, while Odin and Frigga sat next to Loki and Delysia. As Delysia ate her dinner, she felt someone's foot brush up against her ankle. She quickly looked over at Loki and raised a brow at him as he talked with Thor from across the table. She kicked the foot away and was surprised at Loki when he did not react to it. As the night ended, Loki furrowed his brow as Delysia paced in front of him. He saw the guard by the door and sighed.

"I no longer require your assistance." Loki told him.

The guard nodded his head and walked away. Loki made his way into his room and found Delysia looking at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Delysia, what's wrong?" Loki asked.

"You should know." Delysia replied.

"I don't." Loki scoffed.

"You brushed your foot on my ankle. I know what you're trying to do." Delysia told him.

"Delysia, I would never do such a thing. Well, I might if I was comfortable with a woman that I was in a relationship with, but, knowing how we stand as friends, I would never do that without your consent." Loki explained.

"Well, then who did?" Delysia asked as she let her arms drop.

Loki scoffed as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry," Delysia said as she walked towards Loki. "Loki, if I knew it wasn't you, I wouldn't have questioned you. I thought that because of the wonderful time we spent, I thought it was you. I'm sorry."

"I know who it was. I'll talk to him tomorrow. For now, let's change and get into bed. It's late. Very late." Loki told her.

"I'll change in the bathroom." Delysia said.

Varin and Knorr spotted the guard walking down the hall.

"What are you doing?" Varin asked.

"The prince said he no longer required my services. I cannot deny his request." The guard replied.

"But, we gave you a task." Knorr chuckled.

"Are you the prince of Asgard?" The guard retorted.

"No, but we have the money to make you complete out our task." Knorr told him.

"How much?" The guard asked.

"One thousand crowns a week." Knorr replied.

The guard smirked and nodded his head.

"Since you were relieved of your duties, hide yourself from his door, in case one exits during the night, but not too far so you won't hear anything." Varin instructed.

Delysia walked out of the bathroom to find Loki putting on his night shirt as he stood by his side of the bed.

"So, did you enjoy the feast?" Loki asked.

"I did. It felt good mingling with members of the court and the dancing was my favorite. So much has changed." Delysia replied.

"I'm glad to hear that. I still look forward to the day you can tell me about what happened." Loki told her.

"I would gladly tell you, I just don't want to relive it. I don't." Delysia explained.

"I understand." Loki said.

Delysia paced over to her side of the bed and quickly got under the covers, as well as Loki.

"Good night, Delysia." Loki said.

Loki laid on his back as he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

"Good night, Loki." Delysia whispered.

She turned on her side and stared at Loki for a few moments before sighing and turning on her side and falling asleep. The following morning, Loki awoke on his side facing Delysia. He smiled weakly as he saw her sleeping peacefully. He assumed that this week of sleep was probably the best she'd had in years. He went to lay his hand on her cheek but quickly pulled away when she began to open her eyes. Loki quickly pretended that he was asleep. Delysia remembered the events of last night and giggled quietly as she pulled the covers back and got out from the bed. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out a dress. She then walked towards the full length mirror and began to undress herself. Loki opened his eyes and put his hand over his mouth to keep from making any noise. Her backside was completely bare but his eyes did not take in her features, but the bruises and scars along her shoulders, back, and legs. She put her dress on and sighed as she rubbed her arms softly. He closed his eyes once again as she turned to grab her shoes near the writing desk. Minutes later, Loki pretended to awake and yawned as he stretched his arms.

"Good morning, Loki. I hope you slept well." Delysia said.

"I did. This morning, would you care to come to the dining hall for breakfast?" Loki inquired.

"That would be nice, as long as there isn't a foot brushing up against my ankle." Delysia told him.

"Fandral can be an ass sometimes, I'm afraid. I'll speak with him." Loki explained.

"It was Fandral?" Delysia asked.

"He has been taken by your beauty, just as Thor was, you remember. He thinks he can try and flirt with you." Loki told her.

"He wants to flirt with me? But I'm you." Delysia inquired.

"Which he think is appropriate and it is unacceptable." Loki replied.

"After breakfast, what is there for me, or you, or us, to do?" Delysia asked.

"Um, a walk through the gardens, if you'd like. There's the sun room. A lot of musicians and painters go there to practice their talents. Others just sit and look around the room or listen to the music." Loki explained.

"Why not both?" Delysia inquired.

"Sounds lovely. I'll get dressed." Loki told her.

Once Loki had changed, the two walked towards the dining hall and ran into Fandral.

"You go on. I'll come soon." Loki told Delysia.

She furrowed her brow as she looked up at him and nodded his head.

"It's alright. Go on." Loki said softly.

She glared at Fandral before walking forward towards the dining hall. Fandral turned his head to watch her as she watched and smirked, seeing her hips sway with each step. Delysia turned back to face him and huffed as she clenched her fists and stormed down the corner.

"What did you think you were doing last night with Delysia?" Loki inquired.

"Having a little fun with her, since you won't." Fandral replied.

"Delysia did not appreciate what you did to her. It was unwanted and unnecessary and if I ever hear of it happening again, I will bring this up to my mother and father. Then, you shall hear from them." Loki explained.

"So what?" Fandral shrugged.

"She is a married woman, Fandral. She is also my friend and she has been through enough as it is. Leave her be and find someone else to fuck." Loki told him.

Loki pushed Fandral back before continuing on his way to the dining hall. Delysia sat next to Frigga and she smiled at her.

"It was so wonderful to finally see you at the feast last night." Frigga remarked.

"Did you enjoy it?" Odin asked.

"It was a very lovely feast. I had a lot of fun. I especially loved the dancing." Delysia told them.

"It's even better to see you out of your chambers and having breakfast with us." Frigga beamed.

"Well, I've gotten very comfortable here. I feel safe. Unlike how I felt in Vanaheim." Delysia told them.

"Some time today, I'd like you to stop by my chambers so we can have a chat." Frigga said.

"I will try." Delysia smiled.

Loki walked into the dining hall and beamed upon seeing Delysia mingling with his family and friends. She looked like a true princess sitting among them.  

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