Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning, Loki awoke to find Delysia sitting at the writing desk.

"What are you doing?" Loki asked.

"Waiting for you." Delysia replied.

"To do what?" Loki scoffed.

"To wake up." Delysia said.

Loki chuckled as he shook his head and Delysia furrowed her brow as she put her head down.

"I was hungry when I woke up but I didn't want to go without you." Delysia told him.

Loki got out of bed and walked over to her.

"You're safe here. I have my mother and brother out there to look after you too." Loki told her.

"I'm not safe here. Or anywhere else. I never will be. Don't you get it? No matter where I'll go, everyone will stop and stare at me. I'm the last of my kind. Do you know how much I'm truly worth? I'll never be safe. And certainly not here. How can you tell me I'm safe here when it was your own council members who tried to hurt me?" Delysia explained.

"I do get, Delysia. I do understand your problem. But you have to trust me and what I tell you. And even after this accident, you're safer." Loki said.

"Accident? This was no accident, Loki." Delysia seethed as she stood from the chair.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I-"

"And how am I safer?" Delysia interjected.

"You're safer because everyone will know that they should not mess with me by hurting you. They know that whoever crosses my path come out with injuries, or don't come out alive at all." Loki explained.

"Do you really think that's going to stop them from trying to hurt me? Do you really think that will work?" Delysia inquired.

Loki went to speak but found himself stuttering to reply.

"Exactly." Delysia said.

As the day went by, Loki realized he was more of Delysia's bodyguard than friend, or even husband, at the time. Towards the end of the day, Delysia excused herself to have a bath and Loki furrowed his brow as Frigga entered the room.

"Where is she?" Frigga asked.

"Taking a bath. Why?" Loki replied.

"No reason. How are you two?" Frigga inquired.

"Alright." Loki shrugged.

"Alright? That's it? You don't know if you love her yet?" Frigga asked.

"Mother!" Loki exclaimed quietly.

"You have to at least know a little bit if you do." Frigga said.

"I mean, she's a beautiful woman and we do have some things in common, but, frankly, I really don't know. I do have feelings for her but I don't know if those feelings are love." Loki explained.

"Loki, she loves you dearly." Frigga stated.

"How do you know? Did she tell you?" Loki asked.

"No, but when I asked, she stuttered to reply and the flush to her cheeks rose. It was obvious what her answer was going to be." Frigga replied.

Loki sighed as he sat down on the couch by the fireplace and Frigga placed her hand on his shoulder.

"And I think I know what your answer is when the time comes to face the truth." Frigga told him.

Delysia entered the room with a towel around her body and she inhaled sharply as the two turned to look at her.

"Oh, Frigga, I didn't think you'd be here." Delysia told her as she backed slowly into the bathroom.

"That's alright, darling. I was just leaving." Frigga smiled.

Frigga patted Loki's shoulder and made her leave of the room. Loki stood from the couch and turned to face her as he smiled nervously at her.

"Were you-"

"I was just going to get ready for bed. I'm very tired." Delysia interjected.

"Yes. I was getting ready for bed as well." Loki told her.

"How are the investigations going?" Delysia inquired as she walked behind the partition.

"Odin hasn't been able to find the culprits but he's close." Loki told her.

Delysia walked out from behind the partition in her night dress and smiled softly as she walked over to Loki. She stood a few inches from him and looked up at him. He furrowed his brow and Delysia sighed as she then walked back to the bed. Loki changed into night clothes and got into the bed next to her.

"Um, I'm going to read for a bit before I sleep." Loki told her.

"Okay. I'll be here if you need me." Delysia said.

Loki chuckled softly as he opened his book and Delysia laid on her side. Moments later, Loki felt movement on her side of the bed and turned his head to find her sitting up next to him.

"What is it?" Loki asked.

"I never really thanked you for saving me." Delysia replied.

"You don't need to thank me." Loki told her.

"No. I do. Not many people would have done what you did. In fact, no one night have done what you did." Delysia explained.

"Please, I-"

"No, I'm serious, Loki. Thank you. Thank you for everything." Delysia interjected.

Loki was about to speak when Delysia kissed his cheek. She pulled away slowly and Loki slowly turned his head to face her. He looked down at her lips and then back up at her eyes. Delysia took the bold move of leaning forward and laying a kiss to his lips. Loki was taken aback that he had no time to react. He set the book down on his nightstand and couldn't fight his feelings anymore. Frigga was right. He did love her. Delysia moaned softly as Loki took her face in his hands and pulled her in for a kiss. Delysia whimpered as he pulled back and Loki panted softly as he swallowed hard.

"I love you, Loki." Delysia whispered.

"I love you, Delysia." Loki whispered back.

"I'm so glad. I didn't think you'd ever love me." Delysia confessed.

"Why?" Loki asked.

"Well, your mother told me you were skeptical to our marriage because you thought you were throwing away your chance at true love." Delysia replied.

"I will admit, I did think that. But, I've come to realize that my true love is you. You're my love. I didn't want to believe it at first but, I love you." Loki told her.

Delysia smiled brightly as Loki pulled her in for another kiss. He slowly leaned over Delysia and her back hit the mattress as Loki laid his body over hers. Delysia laid her hands against his chest and pushed him back softly.

"Wait." Delysia said.

"I'm sorry. Was I too forward?" Loki asked.

"No. I want this. I do. I've just never-"

"I know you've never done it. And that's alright. I'll be gentle. I promise." Loki interjected.

"Yes. I have to trust you." Delysia giggled softly.

Loki laughed along with her and moaned through the kiss as the two sat up on the bed and began to strip themselves of their clothes. Delysia bit her lip as she stared at Loki's bare chest. He smirked at her and Delysia slowly untied the string holding her nightdress together. Once it was undone, she giggled as Loki impatiently pushed apart her dress to reveal her bare chest. Loki's eyes widened and he panted softly as Delysia moved towards him and pressed her chest against his. The two moaned together and Loki laid kisses against her neck, causing Delysia to gasp.

"Loki." Delysia whispered in his ear.

Loki moaned against her skin and pulled back to kiss her deeply. Delysia laid back on the bed and her breathing quickened as Loki pushed up her nightdress to reveal herself to him.

"Do you always sleep naked underneath the dress?" Loki asked.

"Sometimes." Delysia replied.

"Mmm, very naughty, but I approve." Loki told her.

The two laughed and Delysia gasped as Loki's fingers trailed up her legs. They stopped just a few inches short of her sex and she furrowed her brow as she looked up at him.

"May I?" Loki asked.

Delysia nodded her head and bit her lip to hold back her moans as Loki's fingers played with her sex. They caressed her folds and rubbed at her clit, causing Delysia to feel all new types of sensations she never knew existed. She could feel her heat growing as well as the wetness that pooled between her legs, and by the sound of Loki chuckling, he could also feel it as well. Delysia's eyes widened as Loki's fingers pushed past her folds and into her entrance. They curled inside of her and Delysia arched her back off the bed as she mewled.

"Oh, Loki." Delysia panted.

She felt a tension grow in her belly and was being brought closer to the edge just by his fingers. But before she could release, Loki pulled his hands away and Delysia gave him a look as she furrowed her brow. She then watched as he quickly unlaced the string of his trousers and her eyes widened as Loki pulled his length from the confines of the fabric. Delysia looked back up at Loki as he stroked himself leisurely and she smiled weakly. Loki then placed his hands on either side of her body and leaned his body over hers, causing her to fall back against the bed. He rested his forehead on hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She gripped his tunic tightly and he had her spread her legs wider to accommodate his size. She could feel the head of his member press against her folds and she winced softly.

"Shh, it's alright, Delysia. Now, this will hurt but only for a few moments. Soon, the pleasure will overcome the pain." Loki told her.

"I am aware. Egnari had told me before." Delysia said.

"Oh." Loki sighed.

"But I appreciate the warning." Delysia chuckled.

Loki smiled before laying his lips over hers and deepening the kiss as he pushed himself inside of her. Delysia pulled back from the kiss as she winced in pain and tensed up against him. Loki stopped and waited for Delysia to relax before pushing all of himself inside of her. The two panted before kissing several times. Delysia pulled back from the kiss and smiled at Loki as he caressed the back of his head.

"I love these lips." Delysia whispered.

Loki began to move his hips and Delysia moaned in response. Loki furrowed his brow as he moved into her and slowly wrapped his arms around her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and the two moaned loudly as he moved deeper within her. The guard stood outside the door and upon hearing the sound being emitted from the room, he smirked and made his way down the hall to find Knorr and Varin to tell them the news. Moments later, Loki laid on his back as he helped Delysia to move her hips against his groin. She laid her hands on his chest and moaned with each movement of her hips.

"Oh, Loki. Loki. Oh, my Loki." Delysia panted.

"Delysia. Oh yes, like that. Oh, Delysia." Loki groaned.

Delysia giggled as Loki rolled around on the bed so that he was back on top. The two laughed as they kissed and Delysia held onto Loki for dear life.

"Do you trust me?" Loki asked breathlessly.

"With my life." Delysia replied.

Loki smiled and soon enough, he increased the pace of his thrusts and Delysia's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she opened her mouth in a silent scream.

"Yes! Oh gods, Loki! Right there!" Delysia moaned out.

Loki captured her lips in a kiss and he moaned loudly as he felt Delysia's wall clench around him several times in her release. Delysia threw her head back into the pillows as she panted and Loki's face contorted in pleasure as he desperately sought out his release. Moments after her, Loki stilled his thrusts as he gasped with his release. he fell onto her body softly as the two caught their breath and Delysia smiled brightly as Loki pulled himself away from her and laid on his side of the bed.

"Thank you, Loki." Delysia said softly.

Loki laughed softly as Delysia turned on her side and laid her hand against his chest.

"That was amazing." Delysia told him.

"It was. I've never truly made love to anyone until today." Loki confessed.

"Really?" Delysia asked as she raised a brow.

Loki chuckled as he looked up at her and cradled the back of her head. He pulled her down into a kiss and soon enough, Delysia lay on her side of the bed asleep. Loki sat up on the bed with his sketchbook in hand. He looked down at her and then at the paper, drawing her in her peaceful state. By the time he was finished, he heard movement and beamed as Delysia awoke.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Delysia asked.

"I had some inspiration and couldn't let the moment go." Loki told her.

She looked at the paper and smiled brightly.

"You talented, Loki." Delysia told him.

"Thank you. But the drawing is only good because of the person in it." Loki said.

Delysia bit her lip as she blushed and Loki chuckled as he put the book away.

"Care to go another round?" Loki asked.

"I'd love that." Delysia replied.

The two giggled as Loki laid himself over her and pulled the covers over themselves. The following morning, Loki awoke to find Delysia still asleep. Her back was against his chest and his arms wrapped lazily around her. He caressed her skin softly as he kissed her neck and shoulders, waiting for her to wake up. Delysia sighed as she moved slightly and opened her eyes to find the sun shining brightly in the room. She smiled brightly as she felt Loki's soft kisses against her skin.

"Good morning, love." Loki whispered.

"Good morning, Loki." Delysia whispered back.

She turned her body so that she was facing him and the two kissed softly.

"What are we going to do today?" Delysia asked.

"Anything you want." Loki replied.

"Mm, really? Anything I want?" She inquired.

"Mhmm." Loki nodded.

"Well, if so, why don't we just spend the day here, in bed together?" Delysia told him.

"I love the sound of that." Loki smirked.

Delysia chuckled as Loki rolled on top of her and kissed her sweetly.

"I love you." Delysia said.

"I love you." Loki smiled.  

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