Chapter Twenty-One

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"It's getting late." Delysia said shakily.

"Darling, it's been only an hour." Frigga told her.

"Yes, but what if something's happened?" Delysia inquired.

"I'm sure everything is going well. Please lay back down and rest yourself." Frigga told her.

Loki followed the hoof prints in the soft ground and heard a few horses in front of him. He narrowed his eyes trying to make them out in the fog. Soon enough, his eyes widened when he saw one of the men carrying a small basket where he could faintly hear his daughter crying. Loki rode as fast as he could towards the men and quickly found his hunch to be true. He rode in front of Knorr and Varin and made them stop in their tracks.

"Hand over my daughter." Loki demanded.

"We can't do that." Knorr told him.

"Why not?" Loki inquired.

"You stopped our first plans from ever beginning..." Varin trailed off.

"That was you. You sold her!" Loki exclaimed.

"We had to do what was necessary to fulfill our plans. She is the last of her kind and is worth more than the nine realms themselves. But ever since you married her, we haven't been able to use her to our advantages. And then you go and have a beautiful half-breed." Knorr explained.

"My daughter is none of your concern. Hand her over now." Loki seethed.

"She's our last resort. We need her." Varin scoffed.

"You're council members. How much more money do you need?" Loki told them.

"Get out of our way, Odinson." Knorr demanded.

"I will not leave until you give me back my daughter. Both of you are sick, greedy men. Delysia's kind has been through enough and she does not deserve the pain you are causing her. Give me my daughter or I have to resort to other means of you giving her to me." Loki explained.

"Are you threatening us, Odinson?" Varin inquired as he cocked his head to the side.

"Yes, I am." Loki replied.

Varin and Knorr got off of their horses and Varin gripped the basket tightly. Loki pulled out his sword and pointed it at Varin.

"Hand over Egnari and I won't hurt you. Just hand her to me and I'll let you go free." Loki told them.

"If we go, we take her with us. Just imagine the fame fortune we'll all have with her. We'll be rich beyond belief." Knorr explained.

"My daughter will not be used for your own economic gain. Hand her over!" Loki seethed.

Egnari began to fuss and Loki furrowed his brow as he looked down at the basket. Varin gently swung the basket side to side, watching as Loki's eyes followed the basket.

"Please, just set the basket down and go. I'll have my father pay you whatever amount you want. Just, please, give her back." Loki pleaded with them.

Varin set the basket down as Egnari calmed down.

"No amount of money the Allfather can provide us will satisfy our needs." Knorr told him.

Knorr and Varin pulled out their swords and Loki panted as he looked between the two.

"I don't want to fight." Loki said.

"It seems like you don't have a choice." Varin spoke.

Varin and Knorr advanced towards Loki and Loki gulped as he took a step back. Varin took a quick step towards Loki and he jumped back, causing the other two to laugh.

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