Chapter Fourteen

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A good friend, Loki repeated over and over in his mind as he lay on his back in his bed. He looked at Delysia who was sleeping soundly next him. Those three words set themselves uneasily in his mind and he hated the sound, let alone the thought, of them. And that's what disturbed him the most. How three little words could affect him so heavily. He felt borderline insulted when she told him that. But, he didn't understand why he felt insulted. Loki was just her friend in his eyes and that's all he ever would be, and wanted to be. Although Loki knew he was nothing but her friend, he still felt confused as to where he stood in Delysia's mind. She called him her friend but seemed to want something more. Loki decided to let it go and fell asleep shortly afterwards. The following morning, Loki awoke to find Delysia holding a tray in her hands as she stood at the foot of the bed. Loki furrowed his brow as he chuckled softly and gave her a look.

"What is that?" Loki asked, sitting up in the bed.

"A thank you." Delysia replied.

She set the tray in his lap to reveal a good heart breakfast.

"Your mother told me that this was your favorite." Delysia told him.

"You don't have to thank me for anything." Loki said.

"But I do. You saved my life from being even worse than it already was. It's not much but I hope you'll enjoy it." Delysia explained.

"Please do not act as those I am some sort of savior because I-"

"But you are." Delysia interjected.

"I am just a man." Loki chuckled.

"You say you'd do what you did for me if it were any other in my position. But I feel as though that is not entirely true." Delysia confessed.

"What? Why?" Loki asked.

"I am not sure myself. Maybe you had other reasons." Delysia replied.

"Anyway, thank you for this breakfast. I will surely enjoy it." Loki told her.

"May I ask you one thing?" Delysia inquired.

"Yes." Loki said.

"Your mother briefly told me of a meeting your family is to have and that I was-"

"Oh, yes, the meeting in Alfhiem. It's to discuss business and trade with them. Odin and Frigga handle it and Thor and I usually go on a walk about the palace. Since you are now a part of the royal family, you are to come with us." Loki explained.

"Why don't you two stay in the meeting?" Delysia asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well now this year is different because Odin is training Thor to take over the throne, so he will be present, but we will won't have to be. It's not a priority and we are not expected to sit for hours and do absolutely nothing. The royal family in Alfhiem does not care as long as we do not cause any trouble." Loki replied.

"I see. When are we to go?" Delysia said.

"Tomorrow." Loki told her.

"Oh." Delysia gasped softly.

"What is it?" Loki asked.

"I didn't think it was that soon." Delysia confessed.

"Oh. Oh, is it because you are not ready to be seen by more people? Do you not feel comfortable because if you don't I can tell my mother and she'll come up with an excuse as to why you're not there. The royal family is very understand-"

"No. I'd love to go with you...and your family. It will be nice to see another part of the world. What is Alfhiem like?" Delysia inquired.

"It's very beautiful. The trees are always full of color and never die. The sun is always shining yet somehow the moon tends to shine the brightest. The people are very hospitable and treat one another with such kindness that I have never encounter before. They are much like you in some ways." Loki told her.

"Like me?" Delysia asked as her eyes lit up.

Loki noted the small smile that her lips created and he chuckled as he nodded his head.

"The people are beautiful and full of love and warmth. They treat you like your family. They always smile and know various hardships. They relate to one another and respect each other, no matter what class they are. They are much like your people." Loki explained.

"If they are like my people, then why were they not perished by the men who attacked my people?" Delysia questioned.

"Vanaheim at the time had more land and resources that they could use." Loki replied.

"It warms my heart to know that my people were slaughtered because thousands of men just wanted land and gold." Delysia told him.

"When we leave tomorrow, I am sure you will love Alfhiem. It was always referred to as the sister realm to Vanaheim." Loki added.

"I hope so." Delysia said softly.

Loki took her hand in his and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry for what you had to go through. You deserve better than this. Than me." Loki confessed.

"No. I deserve the world for what they've done to me. I deserve to have my life given back to me. My family too. That is what I deserve. And you've treated me as family. You made me feel special and loved. You were able to get me to open up to you in ways no one ever could. I do deserve you." Delysia explained.

She squeezed his hand softly and smiled brightly as she looked at him.

"Eat. You must eat." Delysia said.

"Oh, yes. I'll get right to it." Loki chuckled nervously.

As she walked away, Loki cursed internally as her hand left his. He held on for as long as possible and he sighed as he watched her leave the room. As soon as he finished his breakfast, he set out to find Delysia and found her in the sunroom, cowering in the corner as she kept her eye on Varin and Knorr, who had just entered the room. Loki stalked towards Delysia and smiled at her. She caught his glance and she smiled as she paced towards him.

"I didn't think they'd be here." Delysia whispered.

"It's alright. They can never hurt you or any of the other men who wished to. Not while I'm here." Loki told her.

"I think they came because they knew I was alone." Delysia admitted.

"Well, now you are not." Loki said.

That night, Varin and Knorr had paid off the guard to tip one of the servants to drug Delysia's drink. The servant placed her glass by her plate and Delysia thanked him. The servant watched as Delysia took the glass and drank its contents entirely. The guard told Varin and Knorr that the job was done and the two smirked to one another as they left to their chambers where they would wait for the next day. Delysia exhaled sharply as she held onto the bed post while her other hand laid over her stomach.

"Delysia are you alright?" Loki asked.

"Yes, I just feel a little sick." Delysia replied.

"Well, rest now. I hope you'll feel better tomorrow for the trip." Loki told her.

"I hope so too." Delysia sighed.

"If not, I'll let my mother know you're sick and you can sleep in. I'll personally take you to Alfhiem another day." Loki added.

"Thank you. I just wish to sleep. I'm so tired. My eyes are so heavy." Delysia told him.

"Then rest now, Delysia. Here allow me to help you." Loki said.

He walked Delysia to the edge of the bed and helped her to lay down in the bed. He pulled the covers over her and before he could say anything else, she was already heavily asleep. Loki smiled softly and kissed her cheek before getting himself ready for bed. The following morning, Loki awoke to find Delysia still asleep. He got ready for the trip and met with Frigga in her study.

"Where is Delysia?" Frigga asked.

"She felt sick after last night and I told her if she happened to still be asleep by the time I awoke and got ready, I'd let her sleep in and I'd take her to Alfhiem another day." Loki explained.

"Well, I hope she feels better and it's nothing serious." Frigga said.

Delysia groaned as she awoke and felt groggy as her head pounded. For a few seconds as she sat on the edge of the bed, she felt disoriented as she looked around the room. She saw that Loki was not in bed. Delysia sighed as she stood from the bed and walked out onto the balcony to find him and his family riding out on the Bifrost. She put her head down, wishing she had still been able to go with them. She got ready for the day and decided to take a walk to the sunroom. Before she could, she ran into Fandral who seemed relieved to see her.

"Delysia?" Fandral asked.

"Yes? What is it? You seem anxious." Delysia retorted.

"Where is Loki? I cannot find him anywhere?" Fandral inquired.

"He has left to Alfhiem with the royal family." Delysia replied.

"That was today?" Fandral asked as he furrowed his brow.

"Yes. You seem surprised." Delysia chuckled.

"I do not want to startle you but whatever you do, you mustn't be seen by anyone." Fandral explained.

"What? What do you mean?" Delysia inquired.

Fandral gripped her arms and raised a brow as he panted heavily.

"They are terrible men. Stay away from them." Fandral told her.

"That does not answer my question." Delysia said.

"I must be off. I need to get to Loki." Fandral told her.

"But, wait!" Delysia scoffed.

She watched as he ran down the hall and she shook her head as she continued on her way to the sunroom. Fandral waited impatiently by the Bifrost for Loki to return. But as the time went by, he knew Delysia would be in trouble. Delysia sat by the window as she listened to the music being played and smiled as she found herself in pure bliss and perfect harmony. She wished she could have enjoyed it with Loki. Moments later, two guards entered the room that caught her attention. She furrowed her brow as she stood from the window seat and cowered behind a partition as she eyed them carefully. As Delysia observed them, she noted by the way they walked and moved that they were looking for something, or someone. She looked around the room to try and find a quick exit. Delysia snuck her past the painters and musicians only to be seen by the guards, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

"Delysia, you have been ordered to make your way to the throne room." The guard told her.

"For what?" Delysia inquired.

"There is someone who wishes to speak to you." The second guard replied.

"Oh. I'll be on my way then." Delysia told them.

She slowly made her way towards the throne room and looked over her shoulder to see the guards following her. She smiled nervously at them and they bowed their heads at her. Once in the throne room, Delysia looked around the room and found no one in the room. The doors slammed behind her and she jumped as she turned around to see the guards stalking towards her.

"Who am I to see?" Delysia asked shyly.

The guards ignored Delysia and she whimpered softly as she took a step back.

"What are you going to do to me?" Delysia cried softly.

Fandral ran around the palace trying to find Delysia but she was nowhere to be found. As the sun began to set, Loki, Thor, Frigga, and Odin had returned. Loki quickly made his way to his chambers to tell Delysia about how his day was. Somehow, he felt lonely during the day without her. He stopped by the door when he saw Fandral pacing down the halls.

"Fandral? Are you alright?" Loki asked.

"Oh, thank the gods you're back!" Fandral exclaimed.

He ran over to Loki and Loki furrowed his brow as he laid a hand to his shoulder. Fandral caught his breath as Loki chuckled nervously.

"Fandral, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Loki asked.

"I was going to tell you today but I had no idea you were leaving today." Fandral replied.

"Tell me what?" Loki inquired angrily.

"It's Delysia." Fandral panted.

Loki's expression turned cold as he felt the color drain from his face.

"What happened? Is she alright? Where is she?" Loki asked frantically.

"I overheard a few men from the council plotting to take her while you were away." Fandral told him.

"Who?" Loki growled.

"I couldn't see them. I only heard." Fandral sighed.

"What did they say?" Loki seethed through his teeth.

"They drugged her drink so she could sleep in and be alone and vulnerable. Once you were gone, they were going to take her and sell her to a brothel for anyone to have their way with her and use the money she makes to split between them as profit." Fandral explained.

Loki's eyes widened as he looked around the hallway and then back at Fandral.

"Which brothel?" Loki asked.

"I don't know. They didn't say. All they said was one of them knew a woman working in one." Fandral replied.

"Damn!" Loki yelled.

"And why do you care? You never liked her." Fandral inquired.

"I care because she deserves better. And I never said I didn't like her." Loki told him.

Fandral put his head down and Loki panted softly as he gripped Fandral's collar.

"Get the horses ready and call for the guards to come with us. I'll find Thor to take him with us." Loki explained.

"How are we going to find her?" Fandral asked.

"We are going to search every brothel until we find her. I will tear apart every building until she's found. I will knock down anyone in my way who comes between me and Delysia." Loki seethed as he pushed Fandral away.

Fandral stumbled back as he gave Loki a look.

"Go! Get the guards!" Loki shouted.

Loki ran down the hall to find Thor and quickly explained the situation.

"Alright. Let's go to the horses." Thor told him.

Frigga entered the room and made her way towards Loki.

"Why are the guards running around?" Frigga asked.

"Delysia was taken while we were away and I am setting out to find her before anything happens to her." Loki explained.

Frigga's eyes widened as she nodded her head and patted Loki's shoulder.

"Be safe and get her back." Frigga told him.

"I will." Loki said.

"And Loki, I don't know if this will motivate you at all but, she loves you Loki." Frigga confessed.

Loki exhaled sharply as he shook his head and ran out of the room.

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