Chapter Eleven

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Once breakfast had finished, Loki and Delysia made their way into the sun room and Delysia's eyes widened as she took in everything happening around her. The music sounded so beautiful to Delysia; it had been some time since she had heard any. She stood in the doorway, admiring the people working around her, as Loki walked into the room. He turned to face her and chuckled softly as he smiled.

"Would you like to come in?" Loki asked.

Delysia was taken from her thoughts and she chuckled nervously as she walked towards Loki.

"I'm sorry. It's just so lively and wonderful in here." Delysia told him.

"I understand. Is there anything you'd like to do? Some of the painters and musicians are willing to teach you some basics." Loki inquired.

"It's been some time since I've painted or played an instrument." Delysia commented.

"You used to paint and play music?" Loki asked.

"All the time. There wasn't much for me to do where I was. My mother thought it would be best to pick up a hobby. I couldn't decide between the two so she told me I could do both. I learnt both trades very quickly. I remember I made a self portrait. I hated it when someone else had to paint us because I felt that they would see me in a different way then I saw myself. My father and mother loved the portrait and displayed it in our home." Delysia explained.

"Why would you ever think someone would paint you in a different way? To change something from your face would be...a crime." Loki told her.

"Many people look at one person differently. Some people look up to others while others look down. People can see kindness in a person's face, yet others can see selfishness. Others can see the good in people while some see the bad. Some people can hate a person whereas other" Delysia explained.

"Paint me." Loki said.

"What?" Delysia asked.

"I want to see how you see me." Loki replied.

"I couldn't possibly. I haven't done so in years. It would be terrible. I couldn't-"

"That doesn't matter to me. Please." Loki interjected.

"Oh, alright. But I'm only doing you this one favor and that's it." Delysia told him, pointing her finger at him.

Loki smiled as he walked Delysia towards an empty space and pulled out an easel. Delysia quickly spotted the paint and the brushes and took whichever ones she felt would be necessary. Loki sat himself on the pillowed windowsill and sighed.

"Would you like me to strike a pose?" Loki asked.

Delysia peeked her head out from behind the easel and giggled as Loki laid on his back and kicked his legs into the air.

"Sitting normally is fine. Perhaps a book in your hand." Delysia replied.

"Whatever the artist wants." Loki smirked.

Delysia rolled her eyes and looked down at the brush in her hands. She beamed with joy and got the paint ready. Loki sat against the window, crossed his legs, and placed both hands over the book in his lap. She peeked at him and nodded her head.

"Alright. Now stay still." Delysia told him.

"I will." Loki said.

"And don't talk." Delysia added.

"Why not?" Loki asked.

"I need no distractions." Delysia replied.

"And you think I'll distract you?" Loki inquired.

"If you keep talking to me, you just might." Delysia told him.

Loki nodded his head and Delysia narrowed her eyes at him as she disappeared behind the easel. Loki smiled as Delysia began to paint. Every now and then she'd pop her head into his view to study him for a few seconds before going back to her painting.

"How is it coming along?" Loki asked.

"What did I tell you?" Delysia retorted.

"Sorry." Loki said softly.

Delysia smiled softly and went back to her work. A few hours had gone by and Loki watched the room as the artists and musicians who were they when they entered left and more entered. The sun was in the middle of the sky and Loki tapped his foot, growing impatient. Before he could speak, Delysia clapped her hands together and let out a huff.

"Finished." She said as she moved into Loki's view.

"May I see?" Loki asked as he stood from the windowsill.

Delysia gave the painting a look and she quickly shook her head.

"Why not?" Loki scoffed.

"It's not good." Delysia replied.

"I'm sure it's great. I want to see what you think I look like." Loki told her.

Loki walked towards Delysia and she sighed with defeat as she stepped away from the piece. She put her hand over her mouth as Loki stood in front of the painting. Loki's eyes widened as he looked at his portrait. His face appeared younger and more boyish and his look in the painting dug deep into Loki. It was a judging, yet, kind gaze that made Loki feel mixed feelings. His hair was painted to be neatly done whereas his at the moment had not been combed through. Then, he caught sight of lips. They were parted softly but revealed no teeth or tongue. Their color was a little darker that made them stand out more but did not take away from the piece. As his eyes looked down the painting he caught sight of his hands. They were long, nimble, and made him look at his own hands. The hands that were painted had a soft look to them, much like a woman's hand. His had veins on the tops of them and a few rough spots and scars from training on the wrestling fields. He took a step back and admired her work trying to figure out how she saw him. Loki smiled brightly as he turned to face Delysia.

"It's not my best. I didn't even get to-"

"It's perfect." Loki interjected.

"What?" Delysia asked.

"I-I love it." Loki replied.

" do?" Delysia inquired.

"Yes. It's amazing. But, I can't figure it out. How do you see me?" Loki retorted.

"Where would I begin?" Delysia asked.

"One word." Loki replied.

"What?" Delysia scoffed.

"Tell me in one word how you see me." Loki told her.

Delysia inhaled sharply as she thought about what to say. Loki waited for her response. I hope she doesn't say anything bad, Loki thought. he furrowed his brow at his own thought. Why should he care? It wasn't as if he loved her.

"Expressive." Delysia told him.

"Really?" Loki asked as he scrunched up his nose.

"You expressed to me on our first meeting your desire to help me. You expressed your care and worry towards me when I was first brought here. You expressed how you respected my space. And you expressed your..." Delysia explained as she trailed off.

"My what?" Loki inquired.

"," Delysia replied softly.

"Love?" Loki scoffed.

"Love as in you care for my safety and well being." Delysia told him.

"Well then...I'd say you see a lot in me." Loki said.

"I do. I see your gentle, helping hands and your parted lips always having to have a say in something, and your eyes, your...all-seeing eyes. I think they see the flaws and good traits in everyone, no matter what type of a person they are." Delysia explained.

"What do you like the best?" Loki asked.

"What do you mean?" Delysia retorted.

"Do you like my hands, my lips, or my eyes the best?" Loki clarified.

"I like them all. They are what make you Loki." Delysia replied.

"But if you had to choose-"

"Lips." Delysia interjected.

"My lips?" Loki asked as he smirked softly.

Delysia nodded her head as she walked towards Loki and looked at her work.

"Why my lips? Out of the three?" Loki inquired.

"You have a good voice and you know your way around words. And sometimes, if you pay close attention to them, the right side of your lower lip dips down when you speak certain words. And you have a lot to say." Delysia explained.

Loki felt himself smiling and he pursed his lips together to stop.

"Do you really like it?" Delysia asked.

"I love it so much I will hang it into my library." Loki told her.

"You will?" Delysia gasped.

"It deserves to hung and admired by others." Loki said.

Delysia blushed as she bit her lip and put her head down.

"Is there anything you like the best from my features?" Delysia asked.

Loki looked at Delysia and chuckled nervously as he swallowed hard.

"Your eyes." Loki replied.

"Why?" Delysia inquired.

"Because they have seen so many things in this world. So many things that one can never forget. That is what gives you your character and your personality. The things you have seen throughout your life have made you who you are today, Delysia. And, they are a lovely color." Loki explained.

Delysia smiled brightly and Loki watched as her eyes creased with her smile and beam with joy.

"Do you paint?" Delysia asked.

"No. But, sometimes I sketch." Loki replied.

"Would you sketch me one day?" Delysia inquired.

"I must return the favor, shouldn't I?" Loki retorted.

"Possibly...if you want to." Delysia said.

"Then you get to see how I see you." Loki told her.

"I'd love to see that." Delysia chuckled.

"Come. It is getting late and almost dinner. I'll take this with me and hang in the library tomorrow." Loki told her.

Loki took the painting and placed it in their chambers before walking to the dining hall. As dinner finished, Loki was headed for his chambers with Delysia when Frigga stopped him.

"Go along, Delysia. I'll be there shortly." Loki told her.

Delysia nodded her head and Frigga noted the disappointment in her face as she put her head down and walked away.

"What is it mother?" Loki asked.

"Delysia has really come out of her shell, hasn't she?" Frigga retorted.

"She has. Today, she painted a portrait of me. It's quite good. I suggested she have her portrait drawn in the sunroom but she said she didn't like to have someone else's view of her be painted." Loki explained.

"Why is that?" Frigga asked.

"She said that people see one another differently. She prefers to paint herself rather than someone who may see her features differently than her. So I suggested she paint me so I could see what she thought of me." Loki told her.

"Sounds like you had a good time today." Frigga smiled.

"She said she liked me lips the best. Said I had a lot to say, a good voice, and even noted that my bottom lips droops when I saw certain words. She's very observant, I have to give her that." Loki told Frigga.

"Where do you stand with Delysia? Are you still friends?" Frigga asked.

"I'd say we are the best of friends. She has been a great companion to me. I enjoy her company given we share many things in common." Loki replied.

"I'd love to see her painting." Frigga told him.

"I'm going to hang it in my library tomorrow morning. You can come then to see it." Loki said.

"Oh, I will. Now, good night, Loki. And tell Delysia I would like to chat with her in the afternoon tomorrow." Frigga told Loki.

"Of course. Good night, mother." Loki said.

She kissed his head and watched as he walked away. Once inside his chambers, he found Delysia walking towards their bed in her sheer nightgown.

"My mother would like to speak to you tomorrow afternoon." Loki said.

"About what?" Delysia asked as her eyes widened.

"Just a chat." Loki replied.

Delysia smiled as she let out a sigh of relief.

"From what you said in the sunroom, you must have had a wonderful life as a child." Loki told her.

"Well, it wasn't always wonderful." Delysia said.

"Why is that?" Loki inquired.

"'s nothing." Delysia said.

"Delysia, I wish to know what your life was like before you were taken...and maybe some events that happened to you when you were taken. I want to know the real Delysia. I want to know her...I want to know you." Loki explained.

"It's too painful to remember." Delysia told him.

"Then I will ensure to heal your pains." Loki said.

Delysia took a deep breath as she nodded her head.

"I guess it is time I told you." Delysia sighed.  

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